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Raine's POV

"No, its enough. Everyday every moment with you was fake. Thank you for every fake memories. I hope you get peace now. Thanks a lot." I snapped him pouring all the emotions through my tears.

"No, its not what you think Clare. Please let me explain. " he begged.

I decided not to fall in his trap not now not in his begging tears.

"Isn't what you've done is enough to explain? I was the toy all the time. You were playing me and here i was imagining the future of us. Really ? Is this what you pay for my feelings? Oh thank you so much for proving me idiot once again.  I am so done ." I cried.

His grey eyes were glistening.  Now I couldn't think straight. I cannot see his feelings and here I am flooding out my feelings. That's why I am an idiot.

"Will you listen to me ? Please just for once? "

"Care to listen what ? I don't wanna hear about toying myself by you and my ex. For God's sake. Leave me alone. I was toy for you? Or should I say your best friend and you ? Get the fuck out of my sight."

Here it was supposed to be most beautiful night and what the reality is the person who cared me all the time I was in pain due to my ex , with whom I thought I was in love was taking orders from my ex breaking me into zillion pieces.

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