6: Decisions

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Jhane POV: it's been two months since the lost of my bestfriend , Me and Bud are now a couple .. I know I've only know him for 3 months now but it feels like I've known him forever, I found out a lot of new things about him.. thing like he used to sells drugs to make his money. Him and his mother had a difficult relationship.. they argue a lot but its getting a lil better , only because she wants better for him , he's the type that doesn't like to listen.. he feels like nobody can tell him right from wrong , he's only 17 years old & I'm 16.
my mother has noticed my unusual behavior & that I'm coming home later and later every night , she feels like Bud is a bad influence and that we shouldn't be together.. I don't really care for her opinion, I know she's my mother but she has had exes in the past that I didn't care for. She can't tell me who to date and who not to date.
Today is December 14th , 2016
Me & Bud are hanging out today , going to the beach with his bros and my friends Trina & Zamanie (Z)
We all went to the beach for a couple hours , the beach was a hour and twenty five mins away from where we lived. After we left the beach we all separated & me and Bud went over to his house.
House - we arrived at his house , it's 9:56
I grabbed a towel and a rag & went to wash all the beach sand and salt off of me. I showered and washed my hair (bundles)
Once I got out the shower I saw him sitting in the living room on the couch watching basketball.
I didn't bother him I just went to the room and laid on the bed.
I heard him get in the shower , he was in there for like 20 mins.
After he got out the shower he came and laid across the bed and put his head on my chest 😌
We had a long conversation about different things .. we just talked & talked until we couldn't talk anymore.

About a hour later , we were cuddled up .. he started kissing me on my neck & he placed his hand on my butt , I started to like what he was doing so I allowed him to touch me the way he did. I started to kiss him on his lips & he kissed back. I stared into his hazel eyes & he stared into mine , and the next thing you know ..
well yunno😩🤞🏽
After all that was over I got up & took another shower.. while I was in the shower I was just thinking about what we just did .. I never thought this day would come.. I never really bothered to think about it. Once I got out of the shower , I went back to his bedroom & laid there.. gazing into the fan.
He looked at me but I looked away.. I turned over , put my phone on silent & went to bed..

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