Chapter 21 - I Hope He'll Like It...

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☆ Leandro's POV ☆

Great... Another most embarrassing moments in my life... He just jerked me off and I'm not gonna lie when I said I wasn't enjoying it... No one has made that pleasurable, not even Dianne could make me that feel good. Anyway... We decided to buy some gifts cause why not... Since it's almost Christmas...

"So... What kind of presents are you gonna buy?" I asked. He looked up and looked around the stores. "Depends, to be honest... some of the gifts aren't here so I'll have to go to that place to buy it." He said. I nodded and started to look at the other stores. "What about you?" He asked. "I have to buy a present for Mom and Dad. Um... To Piolo and... F-for you too I guess." I said. "O-oh..." He said and looked away. I sigh and looked for something...

"I think I'm gonna buy Mom a Necklace I guess... And for Dad, I'll just give him a watch... Do you think it's a good present to them?" I asked Gab, cause I need some suggestions before buying it... "I think it's alright... I don't know what to buy them though..." He said looking down. "Well, how about we share. Like I'll pay the half of the price and you'll pay the other half. Sounds good?" I asked. "I-I think it's good." He smiled and started to look for the specific stores.


"I think we're done." I said. "Finally, we've been walking for... I don't know 2 hours already." He said. "Are you gonna head home Gab? Cause I'm still gonna buy something..." I said. "Yeah... I think I'm gonna go home... I'm beaten. I'll just tell them that you're gonna go home late okay?" He said. I nodded and hugged Gab. "Thanks." I said and kissed his head. "Alright, now go home. Be safe." I waved at him. We said goodbyes to each other.

"Now, time to head to the Game store..." I mumbled to myself... I walked up into the 'DataBlitz' store and it's full of video games... I don't know what Gab's favorite to be honest... it's gonna be difficult... I looked at the PC games section. I shrugged and grabbed the Overwatch and asked some of the members to get the Razer Gunnar from the display. And also, I bought some RP Cards.

I hope he'll like it...

Or loves it...

Hey Guiisss,

Sorry for the Short Chapter... Umm... To be honest, I really don't know what to write/type the Chapters. Because I want my story to be connected to the previous ones to the next chapter so... It's kinda hard :/

Anyway... I hope you like the Chapter and I'll see you guys (Not really see you guys... you know what I mean -,-) Buh Buii.

Crazy In Love For My Stepbrother (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora