XVII. Demigod

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Previously on 'Reign of Gods':

16. Unanswered

"What is it that you like about me, Sakura?"
"Why. Do. You. Sleep with me?"
"I am insinuating nothing, Sakura. It was a very basic question you should have known the answer to."

"Sakura, they - Naruto and Sasuke - are gone."

This, in fact, isn't an ice pack at all. But, do you know what it is? Chocolate. Chocolate that eerily resembles the ones Orochimaru gave me in my dream the previous night.


17. Demigod

I carefully set the two pieces of chocolate onto the table next to my empty coffee mug. I haven't dared unwrap them for fear they may attack me.

Fabulous. Attacking chocolates. What's next, Sakura? Evil coffee?

Anyway, for the longest time all I do is stare at it. Then slowly, cautiously, I begin peeling its pretty, glittering cover. My eyebrows shoot up at the revelation.

As if it could burn me, I try to touch the thing with the tip of my finger. It feels like jelly. When nothing happens, I pick it up and hold it at eye level.

Colours dance inside the cuboid, making it look almost like a crystal. Whatever this is, its certainly no chocolate. The more important question is, why was it given to me?

The sound of a lock clicking open alerts me and I quickly pocket both the cubes. I haven't told Ino about them yet. She will freak out and that can never be good for anyone.

Instead of a face, Ino's back greets me followed by Sai's face hidden behind her own. Is this actually going on right now? Clearing my throat dramatically, I call my presence to their attention before any clothes are discarded. Abruptly, the heated kiss is stopped followed by Sai shooting me an annoyed look while Ino grins away to glory.

"Came home early, did you?"

"Yep. Plans tonight?" I ask looking between the two.

"Yeah. I was going to pretty up and head out, actually," says Ino.

I cock a brow and direct it at Sai.

"I just accompanied her here," replies the man.

Ino smiles at the him genuinely and he returns it with similar emotion. I don't know how much I've been missing but, I'd say those two are in love.

"Would you like to come along, Sakura?" Ino offers.

I strike a thinking pose. "Lets see. Would I like to third-wheel my evening away?"

Ino huffs but, winks at me and heads to her room, leaving myself and Sai to stand outside by ourselves. We look around awkwardly, taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide.

"Just go on," I sigh after the longest fifteen seconds of my life. Sai doesn't need to be told twice. He disappears into her room in a flash.



Ever since Naruto and Sasuke left, its been worse around here. I don't know what to make of the dreams. I can't sleep and I can't feel safe when Ino isn't home. I'd become so accustomed to their company, I am almost lonely now and admittedly, somewhat scared.

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