Chapter 16; A Confession

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I was eating eggs and bacon when the doorbell rings. I got out of the chair and went to see who it was. I open the door to see Tomika with, Freddy.

"Hey Tomiks, hey Freddy. Whatcha doin' here?"

"Umm, well, Freddy said he wanted to see if Summer made a choice and uhh, (comes closer to me and whispers) he didn't wanna come here by himself. He thought it would be awkward."

"I did not! You wanted to come here too because of their food!"

"Ok fine I did but that doesn't mean anything!"

"How come you didnt tell him yourself?"

"He wanted to hear it himself from Summer. So, where is she?"

"Oh, umm. Let me go check. Stay in the living room." I let them in and went upstairs to Summer's room.

She was still sleeping.

I rolled my eyes and tried to shake her awake. She didn't wake up. I tried again and again. She didn't wake up. I knew she wasnt dead because she was snoring a little bit. I jumped on her bed and jumped up and down.

"Summer! Waaaakke!!!! Uuuuupppp!!!!"

"Sabrina? What are you doing on my bed?!"

"Trying to wake you up. Look," I say getting off her bed.

"I am going to ask you a question."

"Okay well what is it?"

"Hold on, let me say it. Did you tell the boys?"

"No. I tried to meat with them both but they've both have been so busy. Every time one was available the other wasn't."

"Well, Tomika and Freddy are here. Freddy wanted to know you're decision."

"(Sigh) Ok, let's go."


I brushed my teeth and went downstairs in my pajamas.

"Sum-?!" Tomika says

"I just woke up."

"Oh well that explains it." Tomika says

"Hey Summer."

"Hey Freddy. Let's go talk in the kitchen. I didn't eat breakfast yet."

We went to the kitchen

"So, did you make up you're decision? Actually, don't say anything. Tomika told me that you made a decision." I chuckle a bit

"I'm sorry Freddy."


"I picked my life here. I'm sorry. I just think that I don't have time for a relationship right now. I need to focus on my career."

"I understand. You're gonna tell Zack right? Or did you already tell him?"

"I didn't tell him yet. But, I will."

"Ok, well I gotta go. Bye Summer."

"Bye Freddy." Freddy left and Tomika stayed.

I texted Zack instead of meeting him in person. Telling Freddy was hard so I couldn't tell Zack in person.

"Tomika, should I tell Zack in person?"

"Yes! Of coarse! He asked you to make a decision and you wanna tell him through text?! You have to see him."

"Ok, thanks Tomiks. I gotta go."

I texted Zack.

S-hey Zack
Z-hey Summer what's up?
S-nothin, can we meet at the park?
Z-sure, what for?
S-my decision
Z-ok, see you then
S-see ya

I got changed and was on my way to the park. The only closest public park.

I sat on a bench and waited. I saw Zack.


"Hey Summer. You said you made a decision?"

"Yeah actually. Sit down." Zack sits down.

"My decision is my life here in LA."

"Not to be rude but, why?"

"I just think that I don't really need a relationship right now. I need to focus on my career. Hope you understand."

"I do. I would do the same. I gotta go now."

"Yeah me too."

"Goodbye Summer Hathaway."

"Goodbye Zack Kwan." I left the park.

That was REALLY hard.

It was hard telling both of them my decision.

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