Chapter 2

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I woke to voices and screaming but wasn't to worried because it sounded like people were having fun.

I sat up hearing the groan in my flattened bed. I rubbed my eyes and avoided the light that shown through the ripped curtains.

Getting to my feet, I headed to the front door and peeked out. I saw the pack laughing and talking to each other in the center of the village. I felt my heart swell with happiness yet envy for then.

I have always had a deep wish to be accepted and wanted in the pack but I knew it wasn't possible. That is why I don't let myself get caught up in those emotions but instead think of the positives.

Closing the door softly, I headed to my room and then to my dresser. I pulled out my clothing for today which consisted of simple old jeans and loose long sleeve top. It was high in the 80s but I have so many scars that I didn't want anyone to see them. I didn't want to see them.

I made myself breakfast which wasn't much but I was already full so it didn't matter.

I looked out the window and saw the pack was still hanging out in the center of the village. There was some other people I didn't know and the assume there the other pack.

I smiled to myself when I remembered I didn't have to work today. That means I can do as I pleased which also means I can go to the woods today.

The pack wouldn't be out there today because they would be celebrating with the other packs. They weren't allowed to be in the woods when there was other packs visiting.

I would be breaking many rules but they won't find out. Or atleast I hope they don't. They never have before.

Going to the front door I locked it and made sure it wouldn't open. I then headed to the windows locking them and then closing the blinds.

It was darker in here than before. This should keep the pack from getting in or even looking to see if I was here.

Heading to the back of the trailer that faces the woods and away from the center of the village I opened the window. Looking back I made sure every window was covered.

I do not want to get caught. I don't want to gain anymore scars.

Crawling out the window, I cracked it before ducking into the woods. I looked around to see if I was caught but I didn't see anyone.

Sighing in relief, I started to run. I ran from the village. I ran from the abuse. I ran from my life.

I laughed as the wind blew through my hair and smiled as the sun shown acrossed my face. It felt amazing and it felt free.

I knew I was safe and wasn't scared to be open. I love nature. I loved it because it loved me. I knew if I ever had problems I could count on the woods to help me. It gave me a safe haven to go to.

I just wish I could enjoy it as a wolf but I knew I couldn't. I'm human and that's all I will ever be.

I made it to a small clearing. It was beautiful. The way the trees sort of covered it only allowing some light to shine in. The many different flowers that spread through the clearing. I wish I was like the flowers.

All they had to do was bloom and look beautiful. They get to lay in the sun and enjoy life. They were simple but lovely.

Sighing with a smile, I walked into the clearing. My bare feet digging into the dirt as I walked.

When I made it to the middle, I fell onto my knees and dug my hands into the dirt and grass. It was so very little times I got the chance to relax and I was going to ask advantage of it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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