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Silence envelopes the night. Each viking is asleep in their beds, dreaming of killing dragons and bashing heads. The moon shines over the still village, adding a calm glow to it. A little girl seven years of age pops her head out of a doorway. Her hair is pitch black, and her green eyes sparkle mischievously. A smile seems to be permanently plastered on her face as she sneaks away from her house. She startles as a dragon's roar ripples through the night, momentarily losing her grin. But then, she goes back to being content as she realizes the danger has passed. She sneaks through the village, eying the closed doors of the village huts with a cunning beyond her age.

She arrives at the blacksmith's, a short, stubby building almost concealed by the shadows of the night. She sneaks past the forge. Coals still spark beneath the brick with a faint red light. She uses their dying light to look at the painting above. It depicts a dragon, with lightning sparks coming out from its body. The majestic beast is a light blue color and its eyes a fiery red. The little girl gazes at it, standing on her tippy-toes to get a better look at it.

A man with a rough, black beard comes in behind her. The girl does not seem to notice, too entranced by the painting in front of her. He stands next to her and puts an arm on her shoulder. She looks up at him. Green eyes meet green eyes.

"Looking at the painting again?" he asks, his deep, gruff voice kind as he looks down at the girl. The girl nods her head and looks down at her toes. The man laughs a great, booming laugh. "Don't worry, yer not in trouble. Com'ere you." He holds out his arms and the girl jumps into them. He lifts her onto his shoulder, giving the girl a better look at the painting.

They both stare at the painting now. The red glow from below them casts long shadows through the room. "You know what that is?" asks the man. The girl shakes her head no. "That is a Skrill, the most mighty dragon there is. We once used these beasts in battle! Yer see, no one can beat a Skrill."

"Daddy?" asks the girl.

"Yes sweetheart?" asks the man.

"What are those ropes for?"

"Well, the Skrills were too powerful to be controlled by mere force alone. So we used the ropes to hold it in place as we fought with 'em."

"But, wouldn't that hurt the dragon?" asks the girl, a small frown crossing her face.

"Haha, you're your mother's girl alright!" says the man, setting the girl on the ground again. The frown lingers on her face until her father begins tickling her.

She squeals, saying, "Stop it, stop it," between her giggles. Her father laughs too, both of their laughter merging in perfect harmony and breaking the silence. Far away, a horn blows. The father stops. A concerned expression replaces the happy one before. The worry lines that had disappeared with the laughter reappear. "Daddy, what is it?" asks the girl.

The man kneels on one knee and speaks softly and urgently. "Sweetheart, I need you to do something for me."

"Anything daddy," she says excitedly. She would do anything for him.

"I need you to take these and hide in the bushes over at the edge of the village." He hands her two silver daggers, which look like swords in the hands of the small girl. The horn sounds again, this time closer and louder.

"Why?" asks the girl as her dad wraps their sheath tightly around her waist.

"It may be too dangerous for you soon. Don't move until I come for you, got it?"

The little girl now seems to recognize something is wrong. She puts on a brave face. "You'll be alright, right Papa?"

"I'll be ok, I promise. Just go," he says urgently. The girl nods her head and reluctantly starts to walk away from her father. A volley of arrows streams out of the sky towards the town. "Go! Hurry!" yells the father.

Through A Dragon's Eye (A Httyd Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now