Dropping my (favorite color) backpack to the ground, I stretch my arms and roll the bones in my neck around, receiving a satisfying snap. Once limbered up, I get to my knees in preparation for the transformation. I close my eyes and envision a pushing sensation. Instantly the air seems to implode on itself, sucking into an invisible vortex around my human form. There is the strange feeling of being stretched in my arms, legs, and torso. A grimace of pain etches into my facial features as the snaps and cracks of bones echo throughout the silent forest. The pain disappears and I open my eyes, just as they change into a glowing (eye color) color. Looking down I watch as (color) fur sprouts from my hands and continues to spread across my entire body. My clothes seem to have disappeared along with my human figure.

        I shake my pelt with satisfaction, now standing a fully-formed (animal). The transformation had only taken a few seconds, although every time it feels so much longer. At least it doesn't hurt very much, I point out to myself. If changing had hurt a lot, it would make life much more problematic. I quietly laugh, which comes out as a soft chuffing noise through the vocals of an animal. Trotting over to my backpack, I stretch my neck down and carefully clasp the handle between my jaws. With (eye color) eyes shining in anticipation, I make sure to keep a tight grip on my backpack before racing deeper into the lush, green forest.

        The land is entirely silent except for the whistle of the slight breeze. I travel alone; the same as every other day. I wish I knew other were-creatures...maybe then I wouldn't be so lonely all the time. My grandparents are were(animal)s, but they are too old to hang around with! One would think that my parents would be shifters as well, but somehow the (animal) gene skipped a generation, for both of them. So it's pretty much just me enduring this "curse" with nobody to help guide me. I guess I can't say that—I've got some cousins with the problem as well. However, the nearest one lives a couple hours away. He visits me occasionally. Supposedly that makes up for being the only were(animal) in a 90-mile radius. Disregarding these thoughts, I continue my journey through the forest at a leisurely pace.

        A while passes by and the sky is just beginning to form the cool shades of evening. My (eye color) eyes gaze up, enjoying the beautiful view, when I suddenly stop in my tracks. An unfamiliar scent settles in the air, wafting through my flaring nostrils. Lowering my head from the view of the sky, I peer around with my sharp (animal) eyes and discern an unnatural orange color among the sea of green. My head tilts to the side in curiosity with ears perking as well. The blob of orange in the distance seems to be...moving.

        Lifting my muzzle high, I keep my backpack from sliding against the grass as I sneak nearer. I attempt to hide behind trees while lightly padding toward the orange color, however, it's really no use since my elongated (animal) body can easily be seen. It helps boost my confidence though. In no time at all the orange blob has become a recognizable shape.

        A fox rests with its back against a tree, knees pressed against its chest. What's strange about this image is that the fox has red and white shoes, and there are two bushy tails waggling on each side of it! The small creature also seems to have a strange contraption that it is fiddling with between two gloved hands.

        Oh! Although I have never seen one in person, I am able to recognize this creature. It's one of those walking, talking animals! Don't usually hear about them living on the mainland though...

        A sudden gasp causes me to jerk my head in surprise. Refocusing, I realize that the fox must have spotted me. It is gaping at me with eyes wide in fear, knees slightly bent in a cautious stance. The creature must have jumped to its feet while I wasn't paying attention.

        "G-G-Giant (animal)!" A quivering little boy's voice leaves the orange fox. I inwardly laugh at "his" obvious statement. And you're a talking fox, I mock the creature without it knowing. The sky blue eyes of the fox scan my (animal) features, until stopping at the (favorite color) backpack held between my jaws. "It k-killed a...a kid?! Ahhh!" A split-second later the fox leaps into the air with his twin tails twirling at an unnatural speed. Well, just having two tails is unnatural itself. The fox then flies higher and higher into the air and takes off over the tops of the trees.

        That was interesting...shoot! I hope he doesn't tell anyone about me! Maybe I've overstayed my welcome a little too long. With a last glance at the sky I close my mouth tightly around the handle of my backpack, and then I race in the direction of home.

        I arrive home as an average human girl with (length) (color) hair, and normal (eye color) eyes. When I open the front door Mom greets me from inside the kitchen. Dad isn't home since he tends to work a tight schedule. Sometimes he will get a random day off in the middle of the week, and sometimes his hours change to where he works either throughout the day or late into the night.

        "Hi honey!" Mom cheerfully squeals, waving at me from behind the counter. "I was waiting for you."

        "Sorry, I didn't mean to stay out so long," I say while throwing my backpack to the floor.

        Mom stares at me with disapproval, eyeing the (favorite color) bag that was placed in the middle of the hall. "It's fine, (Name), now hurry and eat dinner. It's getting cold! Afterward, I want you to pick up that backpack you so carelessly tossed and bring it to your room to work on any assignments you have. Then you may do as you please!" She gives me a smile as I roll my eyes. Same rules as always, Mother.

        I quickly fork down a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs before grabbing my backpack and racing upstairs to my bedroom. For the next hour or so I finish what little amount of homework I have, and then I pull out my laptop for more free time. My best friend is online, so I decide to chat with her. I tell her all about seeing the fox creature in the forest today. (Friend) asks why I was even out there, and I reply that I was taking a walk. Sadly, she doesn't know that I am a were(animal)... Only my family knows. It's terrible to think that I can't even trust my best friend with this sort of secret.

        After a while of chatting and playing games with (Friend), I finally glance to the corner of my screen and notice the time. Oh shoot, it's getting really late! Quickly I type to my friend that I should be getting to sleep. We both say goodbye to each other and I shut down the laptop. Before I turn out the lights I go into the bathroom outside my room to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I return to my (favorite color) painted bedroom to slip into a pair of soft pajamas, turn out the light, and crawl under the bed covers. I stare at the ceiling for just a few moments, hoping that the little fox didn't tell the authorities about a giant, wild (animal) roaming around the forest. I really don't need the National Wildlife Services on my tail. Eventually, I drift off into a soundless slumber.

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