.7 // King and Queen

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I place my hand on Aleks' shoulder. He had been asleep on the couch for about an hour. He looked so peaceful, but I'm hungry. A small smile grazed his face as he slept. I shake him gently. "Aleksandr," I sing. "You need to wake up."

He groans as his eyes flutter open. As his brown eyes meet mine, a large smile spreads across his face. I smile back. "I don't want to," he says groggily. "But if I wake up to that beautiful face, I don't mind at all." He lets out a small giggle. I giggle with him.

"Let's go. I'm hungry. " I say, standing from the couch. I reach my hand out to help him up. He grabs it and I pull him up. He stands and stumbles forward and into me, wrapping his arms around me. I cuddle into his warm torso. He rests his chin on my head.

He sighs. "I really really love you, Flora. I don't know what I'd do without you." He says. I hear the smile in his voice. I smile with him.

"Me too, Aleks. Me too." I reply. "But I'm hungry. Are you?"

He lets me go, but hangs on to my hand. "I'm hungry. How about some nasty ass Burger King? I can get you one of those crowns because you're always my queen."

I smile. "Hell yeah! You can have one too since you're always my king."  I reply, pulling his face down to kiss him. I love the taste of his lips. I pull away and lead him outside to the car. I get in the drivers seat and drive us to the restaurant. His hand finds its way to my thigh and rests there until the trip is over, gently stroking my thigh with his thumb.

I park the car and give his hand a squeeze before exiting the vehicle and approaching the door to the restaurant. We get in line behind another couple. Aleks wraps his arm around me and tucks me into his side. I begin gazing at the menu. I settle on my food as the other couple moves away, allowing us to step up and order. Aleks orders what he wants and I order what I want. As I reach my hand into my purse to pay, he stops me. "I got this." He mumbles handing the cashier his card.

"Aleks, I'm the hungry person I dragged you out here. Let me." I argue. He shakes his head and continues with the transaction as I roll my eyes. We take our cups and sit down.

I start fumbling with ketchup as I realize my head is empty. I pout and tell Aleks: "I didn't get a crown...." his eyes meet mine.

He stands. "I'll get you a crown, my queen." He bows playfully. He walks over to the counter, picking up our food and asking for two crowns. He brings all of them back. He places the food on the table and a crown on my head. "Milady." He smiles. I return to gesture.

"As your queen, I demand you to sit yo ass down. I'm starving." I say, opening a box of chicken nuggets and throwing one into my mouth. He raises his hands in surrender.

"Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say." I replied, taking a seat. We sit in silence as we scarf down our food.

"I waf jus as hungry as ou." Aleks mumbles, his mouth full of his burger. I giggle and cover my mouth to prevent any spit or chunks of nuggets from coming out.

"Excuse me? English please. Or, at least Russian." I reply, giggling. He rolls his eyes.

"Отвали." Fuck off! He replies in Russian. My jaw drops.

"Не будь чертовски невежливым." Don't be fucking rude. I snark. His eyes open wide.

"I didn't know you spoke Russian." He says, amazed.

"Yeah, my mom taught me. She immigrated here when she was a teenager. She only spoke Russian in our house." I reply. I take another nugget and stuff it in my mouth.

"Hey, look here." He says. I look up and see his phone fixated on my face. He snaps a photo of me. I look at him, puzzled.

"The fuck?" I look down at my phone. It's lit up with Twitter notifications. "God, your fans are fast."

"Yeah, but they're faster with a beautiful woman." He smiles. I unlock my phone and scroll through, finding his original post.

"@immortalHD: @FloralArrangment looks great as a queen Photo:"

I roll my eyes. "Do you gotta tho?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"Yes," he smiles. "I need to show my beautiful fiancé off to the world, okay. God, I just love you so much."

"I love you too." I reply.

In the 3 years I've known him, he's never been super mushy. But, once we got together, he became so mushy and lovey. I love him to bits.

I finish the last nugget and wipe my hands. I toss my trash on the tray and stand with Aleks. We throw they trash in the can and exit the store. As we get into the car, i start it and drive away, back home.

Home. Our home. Aleksandr and I's home. It was almost like a dream. It's so nice to call it ours.

His hand finds mine and holds it for the remainder of the drive. He smiles like a giddy child in a candy store.

I pull into the driveway and turn the car off. I turn to Aleks. "I really fucking love you." I say, connecting our lips. I taste his strawberry chapstick and some of the burger from earlier. His tongue grazes my lower lip to part them. His tongue slips into my mouth and begins exploring. Mine finds its way into his mouth and grazes his teeth as I taste every inch of his mouth. He brings his hand to my cheek and pulls me closer. A moan escapes my lips. He pulls away, desperate for air.

"I really fucking love you too." He relies, gasping for breath. "Want to continue this inside?"

I nod. "Hell yes." I reply, jumping out of the car and running into the house.

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