.2 // Promises

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As soon as I got home, I started texting this Aleks person. He seemed nice enough. We got to know each other as I began preparing for bed. I took all of my makeup off then jumped in the shower. After my fast shower, I changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. Joe had dropped me off before going to his house. My phone that was thrown on the gray comforter dinged as I shut off the light.

'1 new message'
Aleksandr ❤️: so, I never asked. Are you single?

I read the message as it blinked on my phone, suddenly reminded of the events that transpired earlier with Steven. I felt tears start welling up. I sniffles and wiped them away before returning to bed and messaged him back.

Outgoing message
To: Aleksandr ❤️
Funny you should ask. My boyfriend broke up with me this morning. So, yes, I am single.

I laid the phone back down as I tried to keep myself calm. I knew I would break down any second if I let myself. I couldn't do that to myself.

Plus, I made a new friend.

My phone dinged again. I picked it up and read the screen.

'1 new message'
Aleksandr ❤️: oh my god I had no idea I'm so sorry. You doing okay?

Outgoing message
To: Aleksandr ❤️
Yes, I'm doing alright. It's going to be a weird night without him but I should make it :)

I replaced the phone on my nightstand and turned out the lamp. I should really get to sleep. I've had a long da-*beep*. I sigh and find my phone. I read the screen.

'1 new message'
Aleksandr ❤️: I know we just met, but if you need anything, please ask. I kinda like you and I want to make sure you're okay

I smiled at the response, but it must have been the alcohol talking, right? He can't like someone he just met. That whole 'love at first sight' bullshit was exactly that: bullshit. So why would he say that?

Do I have feelings for him back? I just met this man. I have just broken up with someone else. It's probably my anger misinterpreting this. He can't possible like me anyways. I'm just.....me.

I unlock my phone and type a message back, brushing what he said under the rug. I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow so I needed my sleep anyways.

Outgoing message
To: Aleksandr ❤️
I'm fine, but thank you though. I should be heading to bed, but it was really nice meeting you and talking to you. Good night!

I wait for his response before putting my phone down.

'1 new message'

I unlock my phone and read the message.

Aleksandr ❤️: don't hesitate to call if you need help. Good night, sleep tight. Sweet dreams

I set my phone down on the nightstand and bring the blankets up to my head. I need to be buried in blankets or else I won't sleep. Not like I will anyways without Steven here....I roll my eyes. I've been sleeping next to his warmth for the last 3 years.

We met in high school. It was my junior year, his senior. We clicked instantly. We began dating the summer of my senior year and were on and off that whole year. When I was accepted into the first college I applied to, I would have to move to Colorado. That's when we decided to make things more serious between us. We went out to dinner a week before I packed the rest of my things and drove to Colorado from Arizona. All of my furniture was already at my apartment, just a few minutes off campus.

During dinner, he proposed to me. I said 'yes'. Everything was going swell for us and our relationship. He had a good job and was furthering my education. In theory, everything should have worked out.

He wasn't always abusive. When we began dating, he would never touch me, really. I initiated all contact and he touched me and looked at me like I was glass going to shatter any second. Even when things became serious, he would handle me carefully. He continued to do so and became extra careful when he found out I was pregnant with his child.

He had wanted kids, as did I. But I wanted them after college, marriage, and settling down. Don't get me wrong; I loved that child with every fiber of my being. I knew he did too. He and I were ecstatic when we found out I was pregnant. He wanted to rush a wedding before the birth so we could be a family.

He was a perfectionist. He insisted on buying baby clothes and furniture in both genders and stocking up on food. I had just found out, too. He insisted on buying a house. I knew we couldn't afford it, but he wouldn't stop begging. We bought a house together and had Baby's room all decorated. But, his over planning bit us both in the ass.

I lost the baby in the beginning of the second trimester.

I had never seen a grown man cry before I lost Amelia. Never. She was the light of our lives and she wasn't even born yet. He locked himself in our room for days. He never ate, never drank, never left. But, that was when he snapped.

Something in him clicked or something and he began hitting me and insulting me. I never understood why. I still don't understand why. I kept telling myself on the way home from school 'he loves you. You can change him. You'll see the real him back again.' But the real him never returned. After a year, I knew he was never coming back. I was going to leave, but I could never escape. He cheated on me twice in that year, but I still forgave him every time.

I wasn't allowed out of the relationship. I had no friends so I couldn't run away to them. I was stuck.

In a way, I'm happy he left me. I'm lonely right this second as I lay in this cold bed without Aleks or Steven. But I know I have other people in this city to help me.

I close my eyes, now that I've been thinking for the last hour, hoping to catch some sleep before tomorrow.

Lost {Cow Chop/ImmortalHD fic}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin