.5 // I Got This

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"You gonna wake up sometime soon?" Aleks' question pulls me from my slumber. My eyes flutter open as I sit up. Apparently I fell asleep on him. I hope he doesn't mind... I stretch. "Yeah. I'm good. I'm sorry for falling asleep on you." I say. He smiles.

"Don't worry about it. You were a nice companion." He reply. I smile back.

I reach across him to check my phone. The screen was constantly lit up. "What the fuck..." I mutter under my breath, unlocking my phone to open the cause of all these notifications: Twitter. Aleks looks over.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind. I couldn't resist." He giggles. I giggle with him.

As Twitter opens, I scroll to my mentions. Most were fan girls:

"Wow, @immortalhd new girlfriend already?"

"Shes soooooo pretty!"

"What's this hoe? You deserve better."

I scroll down and see Aleks' handle and read the tweet that follows:

"@ImmortalHD: @FloralArrangement is so cute when she's sleeping. Photo:"

It was a photo of me asleep on his shoulder. My notifications were blowing up from this. I sigh an open the picture. "I look terrible. Come on, Aleksandr. Never post a photo of a woman without telling her." I say, liking it and retweeting it.

"I could not resist. You're so pretty anyways. I had to. You looked so peaceful..." he trails off, our gazes meeting and holding for a second. I look away first.

"Wow I'm kind of hungry already. What time is it?" I ask, checking my phone. It's two.

"You want to play some Call of Duty? I'm actually good at that game." He asks, gesturing to the Xbox sitting on a shelf under the television.

"Sure." I reply, jumping up to get the controllers and switching the discs. I bend over and open the cabinet door, turning the Xbox on and ejecting the disc. A small moan comes from Aleks. I stand and turn to him, puzzled. "You enjoying something, Aleksandr?" I ask. He coughs and turns away.

"Nope. Just move a little faster. I don't think I can stay behind you for too long." He replies, looking at anything but me. I smile slyly and return to what I was doing. I push the tray with Call of Duty in and turn both controllers on, signing them in. I plop back down on the couch next to Aleks and hand him a controller.

"Let's get this started." I say. I go through some title screens and we settle on a 1v1 death match for the first round.

I win 50-46. I jump up. "Hell yeah! And you thought you were better than me." I exclaim.

"Okay, but I had more 360 no scopes so I'm the real winner here." He says half heartedly. I turn and face him.

"Oh no, is baby Aleks sad because I didn't let him win?" I tease, squeezing his cheek. He rolls his eyes.

"No," he sighs, grabbing my wrist and pulling me onto his lap. "I'm just sad you had a shit boyfriend before me." He smiles.

My eyes go wide. "Woah." I mumble, pulling away. He scrunched his brows.

"Sorry, did I do something wrong?" He asks.

"No, no," I laugh nervously. "It's my fault. I need just a few seconds, okay?"

He nods and I rush to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I check myself out in the mirror. You're okay, you're fine. He wasn't trying to hurt you. Just calm down. You're alright. I take a few more long, deep breaths before opening the door and rejoining him on the couch. He looks up at me, worried. "Are you okay?" His worry floods his voice.

"Yes, I'm okay." I reply, although I feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes at any moment. I turn to him and shake my head, allowing the tears to fall. He pulls me into his side and keeps me tucked there. The smell of his light cologne mixed with his natural smell overwhelms me and, somehow, calms me down. He strokes my hair. "If you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on if you had to spend it in less than 24 hours?" He breaks the silence with this question. I sniffle and look up at him.

"...excuse me?" I question.

"Answer it. I'm trying to distract you." He replies.

I ponder for a moment. "Right now, I would move. Buy new clothes and some new furniture. I'd pay to get a restraining order on Steven. Any other time, I would buy an expensive car and buy a ticket to travel somewhere." I reply, fumbling with my fingers in my lap. "You?" I ask.

"I really don't know. I might move. I might buy a car. I might buy something to woo a beautiful lady. I might buy some new toys for Mishka. I don't know, honestly." He replies, looking at the ground.

"If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?" I ask.

"An astronaut, duh." He replies.

"I'd be a veterinarian. I was already studying for that. I might drop out now. I need to get a job to pay bills and to feed myself and to take are of myself and-" he cuts me off.

"Hey, don't worry about that. We can help you out. I can help you out. You," he says, poking my nose. "need to stop worrying so much. Go to college. Finish. You have to be almost done anyways. You made it this far; don't stop now. I dropped out. I'd go back. You should stay. It'll benefit you." I smile.

My stomach growls. "What food do you have? I'll make something." Aleks asks, standing.

"Anything in the kitchen is free game. Everything is clean. I haven't made anything." I reply, glancing into the kitchen. He vanishes into the kitchen and I hear some clanging around. "You good?" I holler, making my way slowly to the bar that is connected to the kitchen. I'm sitting on the stool as I hear him reply "yeah, I'm good." I smile and watch him cook.

"God, that smells so good." I say.

"Good, I hope so. I'm a decent cook, much to everyone's surprise. Sit down and relax. I got this." He smiles.

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