.3 // New Day

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I wake up to my phone vibrating on the small table next to me. It's Joe calling me. I slide the button. "Hello?" I ask, grogginess filling my voice.

"You awake, sleepyhead? I wanted you here at 9 and it's 8. I want to make sure you have time before I pick you up." He replies.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'm up. 9, you said?"

"Yes, 9. Get ready. You have a big day a head of you." He responds. I hear the phone click and switch mine off before sitting it back down on the night stand.

I stand from the bed and stretch, letting out a small yawn. I pad down into the kitchen and start some coffee in the pot. As I reach for the coffee in the cupboard, I see a photo of Steven and I together from when he proposed stuck in the frame. I sigh as I feel tears singing my eyes, grabbing the coffee can and quickly shutting the cabinet door.

I finish making the coffee, letting the scent fill this oversized house.

I don't know why Steven insisted on buying such a big house. I mean, three bedrooms for the two of us and Amelia, plus two dens for our work spaces? The ceilings were high and the walls were painted in a tasteful blue-gray. It wasn't depressing, but it actually looked good. The furniture was black and blue with gray accents. Flower murals glittered the walls and some paint designs I stole from Pinterest were on others. I know, I know, when you're pregnant and bored, you take to the Pinterest polls and see if anything is good.

Some photos of Steven and I graced the walls. The sand-colored carpet was shaggy and needed to be cleaned of the excess glass shards.

The coffee maker dinged. I walk over and fill a mug of the warm liquid, topping it off with some creamer and sugar before trotting upstairs, getting ready for the day. I curl my hair and dress, applying just light mascara for makeup. I finish lacing up my black Vans and return downstairs, finishing the last drops of coffee. I wash the mug and plop on the couch, flipping the television on.

Breakfast was never really my thing.

The doorbell rings and I turn the television off, grabbing my purse as I waltz over to the door. I open it and see Joe. I smile at him and close the door, locking it behind me after stepping out. "Good morning!" I exclaim, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. We walk out to his car and I get in the passenger seat. He gets in the driver seat.

"How are you holding up?" He asks, inserting the keys into the ignition and starting the car.

"Eh, I've been better. It was just bad timing..." I reply, clicking the seatbelt. I turn the radio on to some random station to fill the silence.

He begins driving before asking another question: "are you excited for today?"

"Yes. I want a fresh start. I want friends. I want to know what it's like to be out in the real world. As cliche as that sounds, he really wouldn't let me out of the house. I'm very excited." I reply, gazing at the tall trees passing by.

"Good. I think the guys will love you. Anna could use another female in the house besides the pups." He laughs.

"Are you implying I'm getting a job?" I ask.

"Well, perhaps. You have a spot anyways, but I want to see how you act with the guys. I don't doubt you and your actions, I just want to see."

I nod, resting my head on my hands. I hum along to the song on the radio as we pull into another neighborhood. He follows the curves of the road and turns a few times before approaching a col-de-sac with a red brick house in the middle. There are several cars parked out front. He pulls into the driveway in an empty spot. He puts the car in park and shuts it off. I unbuckle and open the door, stepping out and shutting the door behind me.

I follow Joe to the front door. I hear faint yelling and cursing from inside. I mutter a small "uh oh" under my breath.

"Sounds like they're having fun..." Joe says as he unlocks the door. As the door opens, Joe lets me walk inside first. Immediately, I am pelted in the chest with a Nerf dart. I yelp, dramatically grabbing my injury.

"Oh shit! We hit the new girl! Run, Aleks, run!" Someone yells, his black beanie falling off to reveal his curly hair. He's chasing a flash of platinum hair out of the back door into a backyard, complete with dogs barking. Another tall man chases them both with a camera. My eyes widen as I look to Joe for some sort of explanation.

He smiles. "They're probably filming a video or some shit. I apologize for them. I'll grab them and introduce you." He turns and yells up the stairs, "Anna! Asher! Come down!" We wait by the stairs until we hear footsteps descending them. A young woman with brown hair bounces down, greeting me with a hug.

"Oh! You must be the other girl! It's so good to finally meet you! I've heard so many good things. Plus, I need some estrogen in this establishment. The dogs are fixed." She exclaims, her arms still around me. I return the hug.

"I'm so glad I could meet another woman! I haven't talked to one in forever..." I trail off. "Sorry! Anyways, who are you?" I ask the man that followed her down. His dirty cloned hair is spiked.

"Sorry, I'm Asher. I'm another editor in this hell hole." He says, extending his hand. I gracefully shake it. As we make small talk, the laughing and giggling returns as the back door slides open.

"Flora," Joe begins, "meet James, Aleks, and Trevor. Dipshits, meet Flora." He motions to the curly haired man, the platinum blond man, and the taller man respectively. Aleks smiled slyly at me. He approaches me first.

"I've met you already. We don't need an introduction." I smile as he engulfs me in a hug. He isn't a big man, but I've always been small. I only stand at 5' and I'm lucky if I weigh 115 pounds. As soon as he lets go, he hovers around me. He isn't being creepy by any means. I appreciate it. James approaches me next.

"Yeah, you got the low down but I'm James, nice to meet you." He smiles as I shake his hand. I look up to find Trevor and see that he is recording us.

"Fuck off, Trevor." I say, giggling. He pouts.

"I haven't even met you yet dude." He replies half-heartedly. I place my hand on his shoulder as he positions the camera in front of me.

"Don't record me without my permission. I don't even have most of my makeup on. Have some respect for a woman." I reply sarcastically. I hug him. Not really a hug, just more of me awkwardly wrapping my arms around his torso. He finally stops recording and puts the camera down on the counter.

As we learn more about each other, someone knocks on the front door. Aleks hears it first and brushes passed me to answer it, dragging his hand along mine. I look up to him and see him smirking. He looks away and back at the door.

Trevor makes some dumb joke before I hear "where is she?" In a deep, gruff voice.


I knew immediately. I turned and saw Aleks' face turn pale. Steven was standing in the doorway. I turned back for reassurance from the guys before I saw they were gone. Anna grabbed my hand. I looked at the door again and saw everyone standing between me and him.

Joe was the first one to speak. "You need to leave. Now." He said, sternly.

"No, my fiancé is in there and I'm not leaving until I have her back. I'm done with you gangbangers. Give her back." Steven spoke, crossing his arms.

"You aren't leaving with shit. You don't work here anymore so, legally, we can have you arrested for trespassing." James spoke.

"I'm taking her back." Steven yells, attempting to rush through the barricade of men protecting me. Someone comes down the stairs at the right time, throws a punch, and knocks him out.

"I can't handle wife beaters." The man says, sighing.

"Brett. Thank god. What do we do now?" Aleks asks the man.

"Call the police, tell them he was trespassing. Show them the bruises on her and they'll whisk him away. Simple." He replies, fixing his shirt. He turns to me. "Flora, I'm so sorry for what this dickhole did to you. You deserve better." He says, approaching me, wrapping his arm around me. He leads me upstairs and into a bedroom. He sits me down. I curl into his side and break down in to tears. 

He calms me down by stroking my hair. "He won't ever hurt you again. I promise." He coaxes. "Never ever."

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