Chapter Eleven: Part Two

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We were ensemble in a circle where they told us the activity was simple; quite similar to the other last one we had. We all had a ribbon in our waists with a different color. Two colors; blue and red. Each team had twenty flags to get which were all scatter over the forest. The winning team would be the one to get all the flags before the other and arrive at the finishing line first.

Angelina and I were separated. Damon and Patricia were in my team. GREAT. I guess if I wanted to keep out of trouble with Patricia I would have to keep out of the range of Damon.

"Alright. Since everyone already knows what to do. We can start. At the count of three, scatter in the forest and gather as much flags as you can. 1..2..3!" Mr.Sepherus shouted. We started running.

I started running towards the north direction of the forest. I heard only a few people with me. Probably three. My senses were sharper, so I took this to an advantage. I started running and I started running faster than usual. I felt free. I started running faster than ever. Let me free Katherine. That voice was back!

"No. Not yet" I stopped running and sniffed the area. I saw the first blue flag. I was about to grab it when I saw and felt my right hand crack and break. I screamed in agony. "ARGHHH!!" I grabbed my arm trying to take the pain away. That's why I wanted you to let me free. There you go for not giving me permission. I was panting when I felt my right ankle crack as well. I flinched in pain. Katherine, don't restrain me. It will be more painful. Just let me out. I promise I will not kill anyone... okay.. I'll try to. "No. Just until I find a place where I can transform without danger." I whisper. Well you have approximately 30 minutes until the moon is at its highest and I take control whether you like it or not. "Jerk." You would be like me if you were in a prison for 17 years. Oh by the way...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! The wolf said cheerful. "Thanks."

I decided not to go for the flag but instead I tried to look for a cave or something. Maybe I can find the dungeon Mr.Echeverry was talking about. I started walking despite the pain I felt in my whole body. I tried to go in the shadows when suddenly I heard something.


No! I didn't want anyone to see me like this. "Hey you! Have you seen any flags in this area?" It was a guy with glasses called Christopher, fourth year. "N--o" I struggle to say. "Hey are you okay?" He said getting closer and grabbing my shoulder to check on me. When he touched me I felt a rage inside of me. NO vampire touches me, except HIM. With that I felt my arm grab his arm from my shoulder and break it. "ARGHH! WHAT THE---" My gums were hurting and I felt larger canines growing from my normal ones.

I heard a bone crack but surprisingly it wasn't mine It was Christopher's neck. I felt something push me and I left my grasp on Christopher arm. I fell on the floor, and heard yet again a bone readjusting itself. "You are very lucky I was close to you. You could've kill him!" Mr.Sepherus said laying Christopher on the floor. I saw Christopher's arm back to normal.

HIM. It's him.

I got the sudden urge to bite him. Mark him, now! He has to be mine! I was losing control. I quickly stood up and ran towards Mr.Echeverry bearing my canines trying to get a whole of him. "Calm down Katherine!" He said grabbing both my arms. I tried to bite him but he just moved away from me.

Sepherus POV:

Her wolf was taking control of her. Thankfully her werewolf instincts on killing vampires were not fully awaken or else, poor Christopher would be dead. But... she wants to bite me. Mark me. I won't let her. Not now. She will regret it later on and I want it to be something romantic A good memory.

"Katherine, try to breath. You're letting your wolf take over. If you keep it up we won't make it to the dungeon. We need to get there because if we don't you will start to shift and then all of your classmates will be in danger. Calm down." I said trying to smooth things in her head. She just looked at me and said the following words. "Mine." Of course I am. She lashed towards me but I stopped her mid-air grabbing her wrists. "Control yourself Katherine. Do not let your desire blind you!" I shouted to her.

I think it worked because her eyes regain their blue color. She looked at me and her eyes started to fill with tears. " Why am I feeling this?

"Because you're my mate, my soulmate."

Her face was full of surprise.


In that moment multiple bones began cracking. I took her in my arms and started running towards the dungeon.

Sparks,electricity I felt as if I was in heaven. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. What do you guys think will happen next? Katherine is caught between two men having her attention.Which one do you think she will stay with ? Team Sepherus or Team Damon? Lol

I was able to update this chapter really soon because I didn't have class on Thursday, lol. 

Please don't forget to comment, vote and share! Thank you all for your support.

By the way the photo on top is the fighting attire that belongs to Damon Salvatore...I mean Damon Black. Lol



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