9} Why Does Me Butt Seem to be Taking all the Blame?

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Heyy! So in this chapter the nick-name Brontasaurus is mentioned, I thought I'd just let you know it's pronounced Bronta-Saurus. :)

California's POV:

The next few days went by in a blur.

After the... incident... with Oceane, we didn't talk much... but when we did it was just a quick 'hello' or 'good bye' 

I barely saw Axel or any of his friends, he seemed to be taking this way better then me. But how would you feel if you were destined to marry someone you hate then die before you could cause havoc in the retirement village with your partner-in-crime / Best friend to take the blame.

It's like... No.Thank.You.

Anyways, today was Friday... This evening at around 6:30/7:00 I was going to have to attend my first gang meeting.

And let me tell you this... I was frickin' nervous.

Maybe I should stay at home... I could pretend to be sick...😏

But those thoughts were for later, right now I needed to get ready for my first class.

I leapt out of bed and gracefully landed on the floor... Wait... let me rephrase that... I rolled out of bed and landed on my butt with a loud THUD on the floor... Ever so ladylike (Sarcasm alert, BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!)

'Oww!' I complained, pushing up onto my feet and and waddling out of the bedroom. I took a very short shower (It only took me 35 minutes! New RECORD!) 

I dried myself, pulled on some white skinny jeans, an oversized black jumper and my purple converse. Tying my long brown hair into a messy bun on top of my head. I grabbed my bag and phone, walking into the kitchen, I quickly chugged down some Rice-Bubbles. Yes Rice-Bubbles, don't judge. Shouting a quick 'Good Bye' to Oceane, I sprang out of our apartment. I pulled out my phone, opening the Instagram app, I started walking down the path towards Coolaroy, the college I would be attending for the next 5 years.

I scrolled through Instagram, occasionally following and liking peoples posts when- WHACK!

I dropped my phone, falling ever so gracefully (Note the sarcasm) Onto my butt.

'Oww... My butt seems to be taking all the blame today!' I whined, a heard an awkward cough and looked up to see a girl, about my age with shoulder length straight black hair and deep blue eyes, she stood there looking at me. Hey! She's the girl that I see in most of my classes.

'OMG! I'm like totally super duper with vegemite ontop SORRY!' The girl says blushing.

'It's...ok... But Vegemite? Seriously?' I ask, 'Hey! Is a girl not allowed to like Vegemite?' I chuckle. She gives me her hand and pulls me up. She then bends down to pick up my phone.

'OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm like totes sorry!' She hands me my phone, I look and see the smallest crack in the corner of the screen. I smile.

'It's ok it's only small' I say trying to calm her down.

'NO IT'S NOT! My parents are loaded I'll be able to pay for your new phone' She starts mumbling curses under her breath.

'Hey... Hey! Stop!' He put a hand on her shoulder, she looks up at me.

'It only needs the screen replaced, it's ok I can pay for it' I smile at her, she smiles back.

'Are you sure though? I mean I can defiantly get it re-' I cute her off.

'I'm sure' Her smile widens. She grabs my arm and links it with hers, we walk down the path towards the college. 'Is this your first year at Coolaroy?' She asks me, 'Yeah' I say looking at her, waiting for her to introduce herself, 'OMG! I so sorry! I'm being so rude! My name is Bronte Green, I am 18, my favourite colour is Orange, I like Japanese food and Pigs, and this is my first year at Coolaroy' She puts her hand out for me to shake. Wow... Whats with this girl and her OMG's.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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