7} Gangs and Magical Potions

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Hey Guys, just a warning if you are half way through this chapter and you think it doesn't make much sense it will in the end.

7:02 pm 2017 California's POV:

'Ok... so were do I start... Your dad was eighteen when he discovered he wasn't human' Mr Barin said calmly.

Ummm..... Is he drunk? High? I'm pretty sure my dad was human... He looked pretty human for as far as I could tell... maybe it was an April Fools joke? But it's February... February fools?

'Uhhhh... ummm...' Is all I managed to blurt out. I pushed myself up and back into my chair, my hands waving around awkwardly behind my back. 

'You see princess... there's a whole other world out there, a world of magic and wonder. This world was what someone might call heaven... until humans discovered us... they hunted us down, making up stories about us for their kids, frighting the children away. Our population decreased so rapidly that we were all forced to move to America together, we were forced to hide, we were forced to work as a team. Your dad traveled around America, tracking us down. He found the 7 of us, the last of our people left in this world. He wasn't human your father... he was a Chronus, a master of time travel. He and one of guy were the last of them in the world. We formed a gang. But people got suspicious so we opened it to the public, pretending we were just like all the other gangs. We let humans like Axel here join keeping the secret from them. Then your dad had you. He got married to a human, your not fully human honey cake, you just haven't discovered your power yet. Anyway you got married to the only other Chronus in the world, you had a daughter... her name was Oceane. One night your husband tried to kill you because he was on drugs, but instead he accidentally sent you back in time until you were seventeen, all the same people existed but one knew human had been added to the earth the same age as your and his name is Axel Peterson, here sitting in front of you now. Your husband wiped your memory as well, sadly he died that night as well. But somehow Oceane stayed seventeen, she didn't disappear or anything.

'Your dad was trying to set you free from the curse your husband put on you, your are destined to marry Axel be force because of this curse, but 3 days after your 38th birthday you will die, it's just how the curse works, seeing as you were meant to die that day with your husband.

'Your dad discovered the curse you had the day his mother died, it must have been a coincidence, but that made him really angry, he started drinking because there was only one is to set you free from this curse honey darling, it's a potion. 

'One that was made by lord Srinh himself, the first Chronus to ever set foot on this earth. But unfortunately the only other gang as powerful as us has it, the Crimsons, they don't know about the power thats in that drink, they think it's just some very expensive rare drug, since they don't know about magic.

'The only side effects of this potion is that after you take it... sure you won't die but you'll never have a chance with Axel, relationship or marriage you'll never have a chance with him, he is part of your curse.

'I called you here today to tell you that I have put you guys on a mission. You honey cake, Axel and Oceane, I know it won't be hard to find Oceane seeing as she is your best friend and daughter beautiful.

'You must as a team... collect that drug... first off you need to find out where the Crimsons bass is... then you'll need to get through the heavy security they have, then you'll need to retrieve the potion. 

'Once you have touched the drug you will have 24 hours to drink it before it's magic dies.

'Thats all I have for you today come back here at exactly midnight next Friday, meetings will be  on Fridays but you guys are welcome to meet up during the week, DOn't forget to tell Oceane about this bye' Lucas pushed me and Axel out the door before slamming it closed, leaving us outside alone in the alleyway at night.

I just stood there, shocked. Out in the cold dark alleyway. I still had to get the Chinese food Oceane ordered but I was to confused and shocked.

I stood still in the same spot for about 1 hour. Just standing there, Axel was still next to me doing the same.

Wait so   my best friend is my long lost daughter.

I was married then my husband tried to kill me.

But instead he sent me back in time.

Now I'm stuck with a curse, destined to marry the richest, most spoilt mean brat on the planet.

And I am going to die at the age of thirty-eight.

Magic is real.

I have been set on a mission which is basically impossibubble.

My dad was a Chronus thingy mabob that could travel through time.

I've basically been accepted into one of the most dangerous gangs on he planet.

I may have magic in me.

I'm not entirely human.

This is just to much.

There is only one thing for me to do.

I race walked to the Chinese restaurant. Then race walked back to my apartment where I saw Oceane lying down lazily on the couch on her phone. When I entered the room she jumped off the couch ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug, 'Where have you been Cali? I was scared to death! It's been 2 hours! Are you okay? Did someone rape you? Did you go on a date with a random hot guy? Did you get kidnapped?' Her questions passed through me like I wasn't even there. All I could do was stare down at my long lost daughter.

I actually had a daughter!

Tears started streaming down my cheeks, I dropped the Chinese food on the bench and wrapped Oceane in a hug, squishing the living daylights out of her. 'C-ali!' I jumped back realising a had winded her. Oceane caught her breath and pushed me down onto the couch, folding her arms across her chest and glaring down at me. 

'Spill the beans chick!'

I couldn't get myself out of this could I?


Oh my god thanks for reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep reading!!!!!!!


Please don't steal any of my Ideas!

Remember the Goal I set about getting 200 reads!

Thx! :)

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