1} To Many Freakin' Billionaire's!

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4:21 2017 California's POV:

'Way to many boxes Oceane! Way to many boxes!' I complained, heaving my second box to the top of the stairs. We had just arrived at the apartment me and my bestie Oceane Hills were staying in. Our college was just down the road so we wouldn't have to drive. Yay me! (I don't have a car.)

'Stop complaining Cali!' Oceane pressed, heaving her like bazillionth box to the top. 'Easy for you to say you didn't have your mum force you to bring a trillion cook books because she was worried we'd starve to death!' I groaned, cook books were sooooo heavy.

'Stop complaining sweetheart I'll carry them for you' A deep voice snickered from behind me, I whirled around to see none other then Axel Peterson... The most handsome guy I've ever seen, he literally attracts women, 'What the hell Axel? I'm your arch enemy? Either your planning on dropping a box on my head or your drunk!' He smirked, 'Can't I help my little sweetheart?' He replied in a sickly sweet voice, 'First off I'm not your sweetheart, second off I'm 5'9 so I'm not exactly little and third off... What are you even doing here? Your the son of the one and only Henry Peterson... Like the second richest guy in the word... just after Bill Gates! You should be staying in a freaking mansion with 500 servants to rub you feet!'He looks at me like I'm a total weirdo.

'First off darling... my feet are to handsome to be touched by inexperienced people, second off my dad wanted me to live a normal ish life until I finish college, but I still get my 6 cars, and third off I live there' Axel pointed at the apartment door right next to mine and Oceane's.

My face dropped, no! This can't be happening! After he pushed me in a mud ditch in grade 3, and  when I took my muddy clothes off in the girls bathroom, he paid a girl to get my clothes and run away with them, so I was stuck naked in the school bathroom at lunch. How great! I've hated him since then, my pure evil hatred towards him will never change!

'Come hear sweet pea I want to show you something!' I stayed rooted to the spot. Looking around for Oceane, I realised she'd left without me, Traitor! 

I shake my head stubbornly, he sighs, 'You don't want to make me do this!' He warns, 'I'm staying right here!' I stick my chin in the air crossing my arms, 'Just remember you asked for this!' and before I could do anything else he bolted forwards, throwing me up and slinging me over his shoulder, I scream, kicking and thrashing but he just laughs. 'Told you you'd have to face me if you didn't listen!' he snickers,  I scream again kicking harder, 'Hey hold still girl, your nearly kicking Axel's face!' I hear another familiar voice shout. Great not only is Axel here but so is his best mate another hell of a billionaire Zac Flentain, the second handsomest boy in school.

'Yeah girl don't hurt my mate' Snarls another familiar voice, the third freakin' billionaire of the school, Pheonix Jameson, Zac and Axel's last best friend, he's also devishly handsome.

'PUT ME DOWN!' I screech, flinging my arms around everywhere. They just smirk, 'Where are you taking me Peterson!' I screech again, 'Somewhere sweet pea, somewhere' He laughs evilly and I'm stuck slung over the shoulder of Axel Peterson. Yay me!

Axel drops me at the top of a very dangerously long flight of stairs, 'Peterson.... what are you doing?' I ask in a whisper, 'You'll see honey cake you'll see!'

'But Peterso-' I can't finish my sentences because Axel leans forwards and pushes me.

I scream as I tumble down the metal stairs, wacking my head, and scratching my legs and hands.

After what feels like years off hell I reach the bottom, out of breath, I stay there silent. Watching hazily as Axel and he mates run of snickering. God I hate them!

I hear someone lean down behind me, soft muscly arms pick me up bridal style. 'God! Are you okay girl!?' A deep voice says calmly, 'Hey bro! I was gonna ask the cute girl that!' Another hot voice snaps, I look around confused, 'Hey mate shhh!' 

'A-am I in heaven?' I ask confusion laced through my voice, 'Crap' I heard them say in unison.

But by then their voices were soft and distant. Slowly the black crawled around my vision, blurring it, my eyelids fluttered closed. 'Girl! wait we'll get you to hospital hold in there!' The faint voice vibrated through me, but I couldn't stay awake any longer... The blackness finally took over my body, I was drenched in it.

Standing there in complete utter darkness...


Zac Flentain (Tallest and oldest of the three seeing as he was held back 2 years in high school)

Zac Flentain (Tallest and oldest of the three seeing as he was held back 2 years in high school)

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Axel Peterson

Axel Peterson

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Pheonix Jameson

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Sorry for the short chapter :(


Song - Emma Louise - Jungle

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