8 } Tears and Trouble

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Hey peeps! Just a warning this chapter is reaaaaaalllllllly short! Sorry... You can kill me after I finish this book.

Oceane... please! Talk to me!' I whispered, wiping the recent traces of tears off my cheeks.

She lay on her bed, facing away from me. She had been doing this for the past hour after I told her everything she sorta freaked out. Well I almost told her everything everything. I sorta left out the mother daughter part. She still thinks that I'm just her best friend. It would be to much of a shock for her if she found out that I was her long lost mum. Well basically that she was my long lost daughter.

'I-I can't believe you got yourself into this!' She yelled all of a sudden. I jumped back in shock. Why was she angry? 

'All you did was leave to get Chinese take out... and suddenly somehow magic, time-travel, gangs and drug potion thingies fit in!' She's still facing away from me. But I can practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

'I don't know how this happened Oce, seriously! Plea-' She cuts me short.

'Cali... I-I-I... You could die' Her voice breaks when she whispers the last word.  I can see by the reflection in the mirror the tears pouring down her soft pink cheeks, her red wavy hair sticking to her face.

I stay silent... I have nothing else to say. I know I can die... But I have to do this... she just doesn't know that I've only let her in on half of the story.

'J-just give me some space Cali...' She whispers, sniffing.

'I-I will Oce... Ju-' She interrups me.

''Don't call my Oce California, It's not my name' She whispers, the sternness in her voice barely detectable.

'I-I..I-' She cuts me off for like the bazillionth time.

'Just go!' 

Tears form in my eyes. But I don't argue. 

I step backwards out the door. Shutting it slowly.

I stand and face the door. Crying and crying and crying. 

The tears glide down my cheeks as if they have designated paths.

They probably do.

For the amount of times that I've cried this evening .

But they keep skimming down my cheeks.



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