All is Fair in Love and War: Stranger Things Imagine

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(Troy's POV)
          I don't know how or why, but somehow, after going to school with her for years, the freaks liked her. How did I find out, you ask? Well, I was going to ask her out, but there they were, all standing on front of her, all blushing like firetrucks. She wasn't even like them! Granted, she wasn't like me, either, but-- but that's beside the point! So, just before they could ask anything, I pulled the freaks into an empty classroom.

        "What was that for?" Frogface shouted. "We weren't even near you!"

          "I don't think it's about that," Toothless suggested to him. "Didn't you notice his face when he saw You-Know-Who?"

        "Wait, who's You-Know-Who?," I asked, and then realization hit me like a brick to the face. "You don't mean--"

          "Don't say her name!" This time, it was Midnight who interrupted. "We only call her She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who."

          "But, yes, that is who we are referring to," finished the so-called Boy-Who-Came-Back-To-Life. "We were gonna ask her to hang out, but if you like her too, then we might have to change the rules of our game."

          "'Game?' What do you mean, 'game?'"

          "Exactly what he said," replied Toothless with a smirk. "And now that we know you like her, you have to play, too. It's simple, really. Whoever lasts the longest gets to ask her out. If they get turned down, the next bet starts. If she turns down all of us, we corner her and make her pick." The grin on his face was wicked. "Sound like a deal?" He stuck his hand out for me to shake.

          "Sounds twisted. I'm in," I said, shaking it. "So what's the bet?"

          "Whoever can go the longest without talking to [Y/N] wins."

          My eyes widened. This was going to be harder than I thought.


          All of a sudden, all of the boys who always seemed to attempt to talk to Y/N in every class, every day, suddenly stopped. It was... weird. She still caught them staring half of the time, and when she did, whoever it was, sometimes more than one of them, would look incredibly flustered and turn away, pretending that they didn't just get caught red-handed—or, in this case, red–faced. It wasn't like she didn't know they liked her, she wasn't stupid. But this was strange. Usually, they would at least attempt to say something witty to her and end up failing miserably, or Troy would insult her about something stupid, but this? No, something was up. She was going to find out what was going on, whether they liked it or not.

          Meanwhile, things were going well for the boys. Occasionally, they would think of something to say to her, but they would repress it, and remember the bet. But they were staying strong. That is, until she started trying to confront them.

          She started finding them when they were isolated, and sneaking up on them to find out what was going on. Luckily, they were never really completely isolated, which made this harder for her. Eventually, she dragged her friends into this. She started trying to corner them with six of her friends—so no matter how many of them were around, she would still outnumber the ones she was singling out. Eventually, they found a way around this, too, though. So she started sending people to ask about her. She sent friends, family, strangers, everyone! She payed them with candy, because she didn't want to lose anything else of value.

          The boys were getting impatient. So, they all met again in the classroom where it all began.

          "She's hiring people to try to talk to us!" Dustin was panicking.

          "What are we going to do?" Mike was freaking out a bit, too.

          "We're going to have to skip straight to plan C, because either none of us will break soon, or all of us will at once." Lucas's reasoning was making sense. So they left her a note.

A.V. Club, Lunchtime

She had finally broken them! They would have to talk to her. But... she wasn't expecting it to happen like this. No, being literally cornered by five boys in a closed room was not what she was expecting. And then things got worse. They had a game over who got to date her? And it was to stop talking to her? Plan C? This didn't make sense. The only thing she really got from the conversation was that—

"You guys are jerks, you know that?" Every pair of eyes was wide. "If you wanted to date me, you should have asked. You all seemed pretty nice." But when Dustin opened his mouth to start asking, she interrupted. "Past tense, Bucko. I was considering asking one of you out before I was shut out, but because of this dilemma, I kind of regret ever talking to you. So, uh, get out of my way, creeps."

Because I like to surprise you guys, you get the opposite of the ending I had originally planned for this.

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