The green haired man sits cross legged in the grass, his dyed hair nearly matching the plush green of the ground around him. His eyes watch the stream carefully, watching every little movement, he looked peaceful.


The Irish man tenses slightly at his voice, but doesn't move from his spot, simply continues watching the water, fingers caressing the grass around him gently.

Mark hesitantly walks forward, brown eyes caring as he walks.

"Sean... Can we talk?"

Jack releases a small sigh and finally turns his head. His eyes were red and puffy as though he'd been crying, and his cheeks looked paler in the bright sun that peeked through the mass of tree's.

"Why... You going to continue to blame me?"

He growls quietly, anger and sadness lacing his accented voice. Mark sucks in a small breath and shakes his head, brown eyes guilt ridden.

"Look... I didn't mean-"


The Irish man interupts, slowly standing up from the grass, blue eyes glazed over as he struggled to not cry again.

"You were right... I did this to you... You never wanted this, but I made you a monster."

Jack admits quietly, lip quivering gently as his blue eyes looked at almost everything but Mark, unable to meet those chocolate colored eyes.


Mark begins softly, hesitantly reaching out and grabbing the man's pale hand. Jack tenses slightly, however doesn't pull away.

"I don't blame you... I didn't mean what I said back there... What you did, you did out of love."

The red haired man continues, softly pulling Jack forward so their feet nearly touched.

"People do crazy things for those they love..."

Jack hesitates, hand instinctively squeezing Mark's.

"But you said-"

"Forget what I said... I'm here to fix things..."

Mark interupts. Jack finally raises his teared blue eyes, looking into Mark's chocolate brown ones, full of guilt, love, sadness, but also relief. Jack sucks in a small breath, letting a small smile curve onto his pale face as he pulls the red haired man into a hug, burying his face in his black t-shirt.

Mark hugs him back, strong arms wrapping around him protectively as his brown eyes stared off ahead, glazed over with tears that refused to fall. One of his hands moving from Jack's back and to the waistband of his pants.

"I'll fix every thing...."

Jack tries to pull away slightly as he feels something hard press against his chest, but Mark holds him still.

"Mark... Wha-"

The Irish man's voice is cut off as a loud bang echoes through the forest, startling birds from their tree's and disturbing the peace of the area.

Jack releases a gasp, blue eyes widening as his legs give out. Mark catches him, laying him carefully onto the grass as red began to stain it, and Jack breathed out for the last time, a hole through his small chest.

Mark stands straight again, brown eyes glazed over with unshed tears, as he continued forcing them back. The strong smell of copper surrounded him as his hand tighens on the handle of his gun, finger grazing the trigger softly. He sucks in a shaky breath, brown eyes roaming over the green haired man, his blue eyes open, staring at the sky that matched their color. The blue slowly fading from those beautiful eyes.

His face paled as blood pooled around him, and almost a small smile rests on his pink lips.

"I'm so sorry Sean..."

Mark whimpers softly, a few tears managing to escape and fall down his face softly.

"I'm so sorry..."

The red haired man sucks in a few more deep breaths, turning away from the scene unable to look at what he'd done anymore. He hesitantly turns the gun around, pressing the barrel to his own chest, right over his heart despite all his instincts telling him to stop.

His brown eyes slowly close, listening to the near silence that surrounded him, the gentle sound of birds singing, the rush of the water flowing behind him, and the wind, spreading the smell of copper. He sucks in a shaky breath, silently apologizing to his love once more, letting his finger gently press the trigger, before another loud bang rings out and he falls to the ground more red staining the green space.

Merely a few minutes pass before another figure pushes through the tree's, his blue eyes scanning the gruesome scene.

He sighs, pushing a hand through his blonde hair and walking forward, tucking away the gun he held in his other hand.

Felix lets his eyes roam the scene. Jack sprawled out on the grass, red surrounding him, his blue eyes up towards the sky, tear stains across his pale cheeks. And Mark laying beside him, blood leaking from the bullet wound in his chest, the gun still held in his lifeless hand, and his brown eyes closed peacefully.

Felix sighs, sadness shining in his baby blue eyes as he looks at the two, though he keeps his face stone cold as he mumbles to himself.

"You dumb son of a bitch...."

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