"Nothing I wouldn't be able to handle." When a challenging smile appears on King Edgar's face, I realise this is going to be a tough argument to win.


To say Amelia is upset would be an understatement. I have recently discovered she is not one of those explosive people when she gets mad, she is quite the opposite.  She chooses to sulk quietly with a dangerous aura around her and anyone who approaches her cowers back under the wrath of her glare.  And if someone attempts to touch her, they get smacked; Silas felt it on his own skin when he did just that while she was in the heat of the moment.

"Told you you're going to get smacked, idiot," Zayn tells his brother in a hushed tone.

Silas scowls at him. "Do you want to get smacked too-"

"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts..." Lilly mumbles, placing her hands on their shoulders, smiling sweetly as they both slowly relax, but keeping frowns on their faces.

The four of us are standing aside in Amelia's chambers, watching as she keeps gazing out of the window with a thoughtful look on her face. "So King Edgar now rules my homeland," Amelia finally speaks, turning her head to look at us. "And I suppose his first declaration as the new King is to chase away the raiders and give money to all the people struggling there. And his soldiers -the same soldiers who have been destroying the villages- are going to patrol around and offer them safety. Wonderful."

Her tone is so calm it makes me shiver, an uncomfortable feeling settling inside me. Clearing my throat, I nod weakly. "Sounds about right."

"I better skedaddle, she's about to explode," Silas mutters as he takes a step back. "Where is my protection spells book?"

Zayn rolls his eyes and walks up to her, placing his hand on her shoulder. Bringing his lips close to her ear, he tells her something quietly, almost instantly making her relax, her shoulders slumping a little. He continues talking to her, her eyes casting down as she nods a few times, even getting a hug from him which is a big thing since Zayn is not really comfortable around other people.

"Yay, he added a hug, he took my advice!" Lilly happily says with a soft smile then glances at me, probably noticing my confused look. "Zayn may be shy and seem like he is angry most of the time, but he is actually a calm and collected person and he always manages to calm her down."

"Oh, so they're- they're really close, huh?" I chuckle nervously and Lilly nods in confirmation. "Alright, I need you all to leave now, I must speak to Amelia urgently. Zayn, step away."

I force a smile when Zayn's honey eyes glance at me in slight confusion, whispering a few more words to Amelia. She flicks the tip of his nose in a playful manner before all three of them head out of her chambers, my gaze carefully tracking Zayn. When the doors close, I make sure to lock them, remembering my promise to Amelia about keeping everything between us discreet.

"Amelia, I want to give you my apology, please don't be cross with me," I speak and reluctantly step towards her. "I am sorry for breaking my promise, but I tried, I really tried. My uncle was unrelenting and my father ended up giving the land to him. I would never have agreed to it, but I had no choice nor arguments left in the end and-"

"Your Highness." Amelia lifts her hand to interrupt me. "I know you tried, it isn't your fault. This situation deeply upsets me and saddens me though, that's why I'm like this."

My face falls at her words and I take a step forward. "But I don't want you to be like this... I promise I shall make sure my guards are checking The Border all the time and still protecting it despite its new status."

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