"Uh huh." She said.

"Who?" Zoey asked.

Alex was about to speak but hesitate to open her mouth as if she remembers something.

"I rather not say it." Alex said as she shuts her mouth.

Zoey and I groaned and huffed. I really hate it when people leave me hanging.

"Really? You're such a cliff-hanger!" Zoey groaned.

"I've said too much. I promised to Xander to keep my mouth shut." Alex stated.

"Oh come on! You never keep promises before." Zoey retorted.

"True. But, Xander trust me. He doesn't trust anyone enough to tell his secrets." Alex said.

Xander must be really secretive when he wants to keep his sexuality a secret.

Must be because of his reputation and popularity.

"Okay. We get that. So much for knowing stuff." Zoey sighed

Alex smirk and chuckles.

"Well, I'll share this one thing. It's really shocking." Alex said with so much enthusiasm.

Zoey and I look at her with surprising look.

"What is it?" I ask her curiously while Zoey nodded.

Alex settle herself from her seat and cross her legs and arms.

"You guys know Kevin Mortin?" She asked.

"Yeah! That's one of Jack's closest friends!" Zoey quickly responded.

Alex nodded and chuckles.

"Kevin Mortin? Is he another basketball player?" I asked.

"Uh huh. He's one of our major basketball players in our school. He's also a player himself." Alex explained.

"Like a man whore? Or something.." I asked then trailed off.

"Yes. God! Rebecca is always on begging her knees to any guys she wants to fuck with." Zoey said.

Rebecca Jenkins? She's like really popular and pretty. What's up hidden under her sleeves?

"Isn't she one of those rich preppie girls that backstab her best friend after she hooks up with her best friend's boyfriend?" I asked despite of being a cliché description of being a backstabber.

"Yup, I don't want to say this, but Rebecca and Zac hooked up recently." Alex said and looks at me with an evil smirk

"So?" I asked.

"Zac's apparently a man whore himself. I'm just surprised that he didn't knock up Rebecca during the process." Alex said and chuckles.

I'm not really surprise. I get it, he is a guy with a personal needs. A horny guy perhaps. This isn't much of a bigger deal for me.

"God, high school is fucked up." Zoey sighs.

Alex and I nodded with agreement. It's so fucking true.

"Guys, how much time before detention ends?" Kat asks out of nowhere.

I look at my wristwatch.


"It's two-thirty sharp. Why?" I asked her.

"I'm hungry I want to eat!" She whined as she touch her stomach.

"Then eat those paper balls I threw at you earlier." Alex said and laughs.

I look at Alex and glares at her.

"You're really having a thing to annoy Kat!" I said.

Alex shrugged and cross her arms

"It's fun to annoy Kat. Right Kat?" She asks as she looks at Kat with a teasing look.

"It really isn't. It's fun the first time but it hurts the second time." Kat said and pouted.

I smiled and pat her back to comfort her. She looks at me with a faint smile.

She just threw up this afternoon and now she's being verbally harassed by Alex. What's new?

"Okay ungrateful teenagers. Detention is over!" Mr Cris said as he barged inside the room and opens the door.

Mr Cris the principal of this school. He's so controlling about everything and so demanding. I should sue his ass next time.

"Great we are out of here!" Zoey said as she picks up her bag from the floor and run towards the exit door.

"Next time, no more loud adult rated music. This is a place of learning not the strip club that you father goes to!" Mr Cris said as he glares at Zoey.

"At least my father gets the pussy. How about you?" She said as she rolls her eyes.

The three of us burst out of laughter but then we suddenly stop as Mr Cris looks at three of us.

"Get out! Now!" He burst out of anger as he points outside.

The three of us starts packing up our things and run towards the door, leading outside.

"Come on guys. Let's go home before we get another detention." Zoey said.

"Let's go to the nearest restaurant first! I'm hungry!" Kat whines as she rubs her stomach.

"I'll drive us there." Alex said.

We nodded and start walking towards the main gate. Seconds later, my phone beeped signalling that someone texted me.

I grab my phone from my pocket and observe to see who it was.

From: Zac

- 'Hey. We''ll be having a match with Alter High. So we have to practice hard cause they are really hard to compete with :)'

I smile and started typing on my phone.

- 'Okay then. I'll see you around then.'

I tap send.

"Who are you texting?" Zoey asks.

I look at her and quickly hide my phone.

"Nothing. It's just some guy who texted me with a wrong number." I frantically said.

"You're really good at lying. Matt has been texting someone since lunch time." Alex said and smirks.

Zoey look at Alex and then at me with a curious expression.

"Oh really?" Zoey asks as she cross her arms.

"OKAY! OKAY! It's Zac!" I quickly said.

"Called it!" Alex said and chuckles

Zoey eyes widens as realization hits her. Welp. I am so dead.

"You've been talking to Zac! Since when?" She asks with annoyance.

"Only for three days but we've only talk about friendly stuff." I explained.

"Uh huh. I actually believed you until you said about Zac being friendly." She said and rolls her eyes.

"He is friendly now. He said sorry." I said.

"What do you mean he said sorry? He apologized to you? Since when?" Zoey asks these random questions.

"You guys! I'm getting hungry! Can we talk about this later!" Kat whines.

"Okay. We'll talk about this when we get there." Zoey said.

We continue walking towards the main gate. As we got there, we got inside Alex's car and drive towards the nearest restaurant.

Great, now I have a lot of explaining to do here.

My phone beeped again. I picked it up inside my pocket and open it up.

'You can watch me practice if you want :)'

The Nerd Has Benefits (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now