6 - An unseen audience

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Not too far ahead, on the very edge of the peak, was Zane. Rested upon one knee, he lay one hand on a smooth stone and spoke in a barely audible whisper. "Hello old friend..." He began tenderly, unpinning his rose and carefully placing it on the top of the stone. "I know it seems like a long time...But it's the 9th again..."  Zane knelt back at this point, smoothing some stray hair with a nervous hand. His crystal blue eyes centred on the stone, a gentle smile creeping over his lips. "A lot has happened since we last met...I have a lot to tell you..."

"Who's he talking to? There's nobody there" Jay hissed, as he peered at the figure in the darkness.

"Shhh... Listen..."

"He's addressing it like it's a person there" Kai commented, giving the rock a slight stare.

"We saved the city again, Serpentine. And Jay discovered why it's a bad idea to roast marshmallows on Kai's hair..." Zane smiled at this, but the grin seemed to fade from his face just as soon as it had appeared. "Y-You...Y-you would've l-laughed at that..." Without warning, his voice cracked; and just like every time before, he was thrown into the sickening torrent of memories.

He was once again back where it all started; in the icy embrace of the lake. It's cold seeped through his skin as he focused on his mechanical heartbeat's echo deep in his chest. A small plunk drew his attention, causing him to surface in a surge of silvery bubbles. Spluttering at the water's surface, he found himself face to face with a girl who was skimming stones. She introduced herself as Caitlin, unknowingly etching her features into his mind. 

Two eyes that were as blue as his own, and shone with a mischievous sparkle. Chocolate hair that pooled around her shoulders and whipped in the November breeze. A sprinkling of freckles over each cheek that seemed more intricate than the constellations of stars in the night sky. A long green coat that'd been pulled up to her chin to keep out the cold. And the most beautiful smile that he'd ever seen.

That was the day they'd met.

A Nindroid's Secret - Zalin HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now