2 - Out of character

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"What's gotten into him?" Jay asked, whistling slightly to blow of the curtness of Zane's reply. "No idea" Cole stared down at where his friend had been, dumbstruck by his sudden turn of emotion. Zane could stare death in the face, but would still be polite about it. Why would he get so snappy over going to see a friend?

"He's never like that"

"Do you think we upset him?"

Kai simply shrugged.

"Do you think we should follow him?"

Jay's question caused the whole group to shush, earning a nervous laugh from the blue ninja.

"That'd be a huge invasion of privacy, Jay"

"Yeah, but...Did anyone else notice how nicely he was dressed? He had a rose, guys. A rose. You've got to be as curious as me about this, right?"

Everyone paused for a moment, as they weighed up their options. Sure, Zane could be mysterious from time to time, but this was out of character even for him. For a long while, the three of them stood on the upper deck, contemplating what could be going on. The clouds were a deep bronze by now, their shadow spilling into the coppery sky. The afternoon would fall dark before tea; if they were going to move, now was the chance.

"A'right" Cole groaned, stretching slightly. "We check up on him. But we don't stop, or chat, we just see if he's okay. Deal?" Jay's eyes lit with a spark of excitement. "Woohoo! An undercover mission! I'll go ask Sensei!" With that, the blue gi'd ninja had sprung off the deck and bolted within. 

A Nindroid's Secret - Zalin HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now