4 - A titanium trail

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"So...Let me get this straight..." Kai announced, causing Jay's head to whip round. "You think he's come all this way, just for a date with some chick?" Cole grunted, returning his attention to other matters. "Well, I wouldn't put it past the guy" Jay retorted.

The trio were right on the outskirts of Astor now. Buildings were sparse, and everything was covered in the sandy dust of the east. Large mountainous rocks jutted from the earth, and a degrading forest lined the southern horizon. Zane would never be out here on his own. Finding that their trail had run cold, the three of them stopped and looked around. There was no sign of Zane anywhere.

"Trail's cold" Cole mumbled, as he slumped with his back against a large rock. The sun was slipping below the horizon now, its light falling in shafts across the empty outskirts. "Guess we'd better trek back and hope he'll get there before we do"

After a short outburst of initial rejection, followed by stubborn denial, even Jay agreed that there would not be enough light to last if they continued. All three spun on their heels, an individual dark cloud cast over each of them. All of a sudden, a sharp cry pierced the sunset. One that each knew very well indeed. "Look!" Jay grinned, casting his eyes skyward. "Falcon!" Sure enough, the mechanical bird was spiralling high above them, catching the last of the day's thermals. "Hey buddy! Have you seen Zane?"

"Jay, it's a bird. It can't talk" Kai interrupted, folding his arms defiantly. Jay shot daggers at him, and returned his attention to the bird. With various arm gestures, and a few irritated motions; Jay was convinced that the bird understood as it took off Southwards. "Ha." Jay grinned smugly, placing his hands on his hips. Kai huffed and folded his arms. "Come on! We're gonna lose him!" Cole shouted over his shoulder as he sprinted after the bird. Kai and Jay wasted no time in catching up as all three of them sped Southwards after their new mechanical friend.

Rocky outcrops, decaying forests, a muddy stream. The remains of an old hospital that lay festering alone. Still, the three hurried on.

After a good few miles, they were brought to what appeared to be nowhere. Just ahead, by a few hundred metres, was a small rocky hill that stood speckled with heather. Beyond that were the dark waters of the Pulsar sea, claiming anyone that dared cross. White crested waves spiked its surface, occasionally whipping up into a salty spray that clung to the three visitors. Despite the drastic change in terrain, the falcon just kept on, up and over the heather stubbled rock.

"Do you think he's up there somewhere?" Jay asked, clearly not liking the new location. Cole shot him a look which read 'we haven't got a choice' and began scaling the rock. Both Kai and Jay stood there, as Cole began climbing hand over hand up the jagged face of the peak. They shot each other a glance, looked back at Cole, and proceeded to climb the trodden path which Cole had failed to see.

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