Chapter Four - "Avada Kadava the shiz out of me."

Start from the beginning

                Peter squeaked, Sirius covered the family jewels and Tasmin winced as James was beaten by a vengeful Lily. Yet, it was only when Lily took out her wand ten minutes into the beating that any of them intervened.  “Lily,” Tasmin cautioned, “now is not the time to hex him. We are all out of bed after curfew and if you hex him we will be caught. Wait till we’re in Charms, it’ll be way easier to get away with!” Tasmins warning had the desired effect on Lily and she stood up to her full height and began to walk away without a backwards glance.


             The remaining four shoot each other worried glances. Would Lily tell?


Severus Snape was breaking curfew. It was a full moon and he knew those idiot Marauders would be out with the mutt. He had tried to tell Dumbledore about them sneaking out with Lupin but he never believed him. Just thinking about how Black tried to trick him into going down the Whomping Willow during a full moon last year so he would be killed by the werewolf made his blood boil. Potter tried to stop him but Severus knew it was only because he wanted to look good in front of Lily. Ah Lily.

                For years Lily had been Severus’ only friend. She was the only person who saw past the rags he wore and the cold nature his father had caused him to maintain. She was the only person to truly care about him. Or so he thought. Since they began coming to Hogwarts she grew more and more distant from him and closer to those freaks, the Marauders! How could she not see how egotistical and arrogant they were? Especially Potter! Oh, she says she is repulsed by his over the top ways, his need for attention, the way he always calls her ‘Evans’ and his bullying but since the fight she had with him in fifth year, where Severus accidently called her a Mudblood, she has spent more time with Potter and she now ignores Severus!

                It had been obvious for a while that they were drifting apart and that Lily despised Severus’ friends in Slytherin but Severus didn’t think she would just stop being his friend over one little incident, after all, it wasn’t like he cursed her or anything.

                Severus was in the Great Hall when he saw Lily come in through the oak doors. Not knowing what to do, he quickly hid in the broom cupboard a few feet from him and watched her come closer through a small gap. She was half way across the hall when three of the Marauders and the Metamorphagus followed. The girl – Tasmin or Jasmine or something –, Black and Pettigrew went straight up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room but Potter ran after Lily, calling her name.

“Lily, Lily wait up!” Lily turned around to face him with her arms crossed. Severus smirked as he realised Lily was mad at Potter.

“Why? So you can tell me more lies?” She spat at him. He stopped a few feet in front of her and bit his lip, raising his hand as though to pull it through his hair but he stopped himself before he could and limply dropped it by his side.

“I never wanted to lie to you Lily, but it wasn’t my secret to tell. I’m sorry; you don’t know how much it killed me to see you ever day and not to be able to tell you. Every time I talked to you I just wanted to scream it out but it would have meant betraying Remus and he’s one of my best friends. I couldn’t betray him, not even to the girl I love-” he clamped his hands on his mouth as he realised what he said.

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