Yeah it's just one part.

Start from the beginning

We were forced to go to the Education Center today, though no one could learn anything, or focus, even the Mentors. I suppose I normally like school. It used to be a lot worse though, when we had a set curriculum. Though, after Grade Five, you get put into different groups of people with common interests, talents and what they see for themselves in the future. I've always been pretty average, but I aspire to be a Writer. I guess that's part of the reason why I'm writing this. But also partly because our world is going to end... and I think someone should have a record of one of our lives. So, here's mine. So, instead of doing math and history today, we got to do geology. I like geology, sometimes. Once, we got to smash rocks. Today, we practiced Stereotomy. I made a perfect sphere. I think I'll take it to the new planet, if we survive. However, I'd really like to know what the things... aliens on the other planet think of us, or if they even know we're going to make a huge hole in their planet. Oh well. They could have probably moved it out of our way, if they were too concerned.

This is going to be a long entry today. I guess it makes up for yesterday's.

I should probably tell you more about our people. About a hundred years ago, we roamed another planet, as two separate halves. But once the humans began running out of resources, they took a metal ship into the skies, and found this place, that finally, harbored life. Just plants at the time, but it was better than anything they'd found in many years. And eventually, our two halves conjoined, and allowed this new, perfect species to form. (I didn't actually know most of this until later on, but you'll see more on that later) That's what they tell us anyways. I'm not sure if it is all true... but, perhaps it is. This story sounds so lovely, but in reality, it wasn't. Blood was shed, battles waged between the humans and the deer. Eventually, they realized what they had done... and agreed to make peace. I suppose I should respond to the Calling Bell. Farewell.

August 16th

All we can see is the planet. Everything is getting hotter. We've dug caves, and maybe that will dull the impact. I doubt it. All the sudden everything is shaking and i can feel the ground trembling beneath our feet. Everything is loud and the surface is on fi-

August 17th

We survived. I did, anyways.

August 18th

It's strange here. The air smells bad. I've managed to dig myself out of the cave, but i'm the only one that has gotten out. I suppose I'll wait a few hours. Maybe something will come of it. I haven't seen any other signs of life really, besides a few old, withered plants.

It's been sixteen hours. The sun is falling down... Should I be concerned? It does look nice though. Still no trace of my people.

August 19th

Still no one. I'm wondering if I'm the only one alive.

August 20th

I finished the last of the ripe fruits today. And still no trace of anyone. I think... I'd better go and find somewhere on this planet to stay.

August 21st

Today, I set off into the world. I took a satchel with as much food as I could fit, along with my journal and pen. I'm going to head west, I think.

August 22nd

Still no trace of anything really. Last night I camped on the nice grain like dirt that's a very pretty gold. It's hotter than I'm used to here. I made it a fair distance, but, alone I won't make it as far as I would with my people. It's different being alone. At home, it was rather hard to be by yourself. It was crowded there. Everything is so spread apart here. You can walk for miles, and find nothing. And that's what I've been doing. Finding, absolutely nothing but more sand.

August 25th

I decided to skip a few days. Nothing happened, I just wandered through the weird dirt some more.

Today, I saw grass. And some huge metal boxes covered in vines. They look somewhat like buildings. But... they're all old and overgrown. I went into one of them, and it almost collapsed. They frighten me now. But I keep hearing a strange cry. It sounds a bit like a young kid. I suppose I should look for it.

Later Today: I found the boy. He's small, and seemed amazed when he saw me. I picked him up and he still seemed startled. I took him to a well and made him drink and eat... he's just started to wake up.

August 26th

The boy says his name is Oliver. His people all died off also. We're all alone now. But it's better than being completely alone. He read me a story. I read my journal to him, and now he's helping me some. He said he's 7 years old. I don't know how long that it exactly, but it's not as long as I've been living. He told me about his family too. His mother had lovely brown hair like mine, and his father, a joyful smile and blue eyes. He said those were like mine too. He also called me something, and I'm not sure what means but... he said I was a "Myth." I'm sorry if that offends you. I didn't ask him what it means, because I am a bit timid around people. Though, he's taught me a lot about myself too. They used to have people, who shot and killed deer for fun. It was called hunting. They took metal food pellets and put then in the bodies of the deer with these powerful metal squarish things that make a big noise. I'm afraid of then now.

I like this boy. I think... maybe we could be friends.

August 30th

Oliver and I have wandered, looking for more people... and he told me what it means, yesterday. I'm a myth, because I am believed to not be real. My people, aren't really supposed to be real. We're a forgotten race. Oliver and I have spent this time wandering, hoping to stumble across someone who knows more about this planet called Earth (Oliver told me that too.) I suppose, their isn't much exiting left to happen.

March 3rd

It's been a while. I forgot about this old journal. Oliver and I live in a lovely, overgrown city we've put together. We're both older now, a year,says Oliver. Time here still confuses me, but I've gotten used to life here. I think, I can make it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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