Your POV

There's a loud crash coming from the kitchen followed by barks, a little white dog running out the kitchen, phasing through the door and distressed noises and I swear I saw Sans' iris flicker blue like the iris in my drawing but the color is lighter.

"IT IS OKAY! THE ANNOYING LITTLE DOG JUST CAME OUT OF THE SINK CABINET BUT IT JUST WANTED A BONE!" Papyrus yells from the kitchen. I giggled, Sans relaxed back on the couch.

The dog phased back through, covered in snow and whimpering. It left patches of snow behind it. It came up to me and sat down on the floor, still some snow in it's fur. "Is there a blizzard out there or something?" I look out of one of the small windows, it's a blizzard. I pick up the little dog and placed it into my lap. Sans inched away from me.

How can it phase through doors though?

"What? You don't like dogs?" "No, but that particular one stole my ketchup bottle once and I deserve an apology." He mutters, pouting.

I hold up the dog to my face, it's paws in the air. "I'm sowwy Sans!" I made a cute voice and waved the dog infront of him. Hesitantly, he pet the dog's head. The dog  licked his face then came back to me and sat on my lap. Sans wiped the saliva off with his sleeve.

I pet the dog, playing with it's fur a bit. "I think I'll call you Toby." The dog turned to me and licked my face. "And I think you like that name." I pet Toby some more and the weight on my lap gets heavier. How do I know if it's a guy though?

"Hey Sans, do you know how to determine if a dog is a boy or a girl?" "If it has a dick, it's a boy. If it doesn't, it's a girl." "Best explanation I've ever heard." I used Sarcasm. "I know." Sans was not very affected.

I flip the pupper on it's back, and sure enough Toby is a He. I give him a belly scratch and his tail starts wagging.

"Bork!" ... "Was that a dog sound or a baby's attempt at saying 'fork' for the first time?" Sans' grin just gets bigger.

"I dunno, both I guess." Toby gets on his stomach and sleeps.

"SPAGHETTI IS READY!" Papyrus holds two plates of pasta with forks in his gloved hands, Frisk comes out seconds after with another two.

"I made it so it was edible." She whispered. So it wasn't edible before? Huh..

"I'll be the judge of that." Sans whispers back, standing up from the couch and sitting at the dining table.

I set Toby on a pillow and then join them, sitting down beside Sans infront of a steaming plate of spaghetti. It has "Basil leaves on top.." Probably so that makes it look and look like it tastes better. "Tomato sauce, beef toppings, linguine noodles..." I list what may be the contents of these noodles. "Expert?" Sans asks. "Nah, I just used to cook with my m—.." I sigh. "I just know." He nodded.

I take my fork and taste the pasta. "It's a little bland but otherwise good texture and it's not overcooked. I suggest adding salt and cream or milk. Good job, you two." "THANK YOU, HUMAN Y/N! BUT.. MILK?"

"You have beef but no milk?" I give Papyrus that look of disbelief. "UH.. WELL, IT'S MTT-BRAND CANNED BEEF. WE DON'T EXACTLY KNOW WHAT IT'S MADE OF, BUT I'M SURE IT'S JUST MAGIC AND SEASONING."

"Cornstarch?" "NO." "Atleast something to make the sauce thicker?" "WELL, THE CLOSEST THING TO WHAT YOUR DESCRIPTION IS THAT THERE IS DOWN HERE IS MTT-BRAND COW'S MILK BUT EVEN THE GREAT PAPYRUS KNOWS THAT THE MILK HUMANS USE FOR PASTA IS OF COURSE HUMAN'S MILK!" I snort. Sans starts blushing and hides in his hoodie. Frisk cringes. Papyrus, you cinnamon roll.

"Pap, we don't use human milk for pasta. We do use cow's milk—human's milk is only for baby humans.." I cringe aswell, as my brain thinks deeper about what he just said. "OH... NO WONDER WHY UNDYNE JUST LAUGHS WHEN I ASK WHERE HUMAN MILK IS FROM BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS GOES THROUGH THE TROUBLE OF GOING TO THE STORE TO BUY MTT-BRAND MILK FOR EVERY LESSON." Whoever this Undyne person is, I pity her.

"Well, nonetheless you two did a great job. Now are we gonna finish the food or let Toby finish it for us?" Toby perks up.

Papyrus and Frisk sit down and we all start eating the pasta. After a while, we finish the pasta and sit down on the couch to watch something.


Word count: 1365

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