Chapter III. Crossed-out Depression PT.2

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Cool, fresh breeze enters the mountain, as the weak trees sway its branches and let leaves fall down, tranquility dissipates, 'This wind reminds me of my past...', Cross thought.

Cross and Nightmare walk on the bottom of the mountain as usual, Nightmare still holds Cross' hand so he won't get lost. When Nightmare sees the village, he began to tremble because he thinks that the people who live there will try to torment him. Cross felt his trembling, "Hey Nightmare, don't be nervous! Take a deep breath.", Nightmare took a deep breath and it seems he calmed down. "Are we sure we're going down there?", Nightmare said with worry; he clenched on Cross' sash so he can feel like he's safe. "Yeah! We're going to my most magnificent friend, Blueberry! I'm sure that he can get you in high spirits!", Cross said with a cheery tone at Nightmare knowing that his friend, Blueberry, will never hurt a fly. Nightmare questions Cross for the second time, "But what about the people below?", "Who knows? But if they remember you, I'll let them know the truth why you create those!", Cross said at Nightmare cheerfully. They continue to walk down to reach the village.

Just a few minutes later, they reached the village. The villagers see Cross, "Hey Cross!", they said at Cross like they're pals. Cross has been there for a long time, in Cross' first appearance on the village, he was hostile to the villagers, who wanted to attack him but Blueberry stopped them before they hurt each other, thanks to Blueberry, Cross is friendly today.

They got curious as they see a skeleton in black wearing a circlet that has a carved crescent symbol in front of, and a belt that has 'NM' on it, "Who is that behind you?", they questioned curiously. "Oh, let me introduce you my best friend, Nightmare! Don't worry, he won't hurt you!", Cross said and gestured cheerfully as the villagers remember the name before...

Ah, one of the villagers remembered.

"S-stay away, you m-monster!", one of the villagers steps back as he said with fear. The villagers hears the words, now more of them remember that monster in the dreams, "Cross, stay away from that monster, he will hurt you!", one of the villagers said as the other villagers are about to return to their homes. Nightmare felt bad to those people, he wished that he have to die so the people will be happy, ever. Nightmare felt something on his eyesockets when thinking of those things.

"W-wait!", Cross said to the villagers, "Cross, if this is a joke, I swear t-", the villagers got cut off, "No, this is not a joke, please, don't despise him...", Cross begged but the villagers seem to ignore it. The villagers' uproar just rose farther when they see Nightmare already curled on a ball and cry on his knees, "Oh wow you just show your remorse here now huh? It's better you go die and never come back, you're just nothing but a nuisance!", Cross noticed Nightmare curled in a ball, he lost his limit. Cross walks towards the humans, "I don't care if he's going to cry hard, but if you keep tormenting him really hard...

I had no choice but to defend him only by MYSELF."

Nightmare heard the words as his eyesockets widen, 'He will defend... me? He reminds me of... my brother.'

Cross eyesockets were blank, the villagers notice that there is a pointy bone being held by Cross, "Wh-when did you-", he got cut off as Cross put the sharp, white thing at the human in the front, "Would you rather accept your fate right here or let me tell my new friend's story?", Cross said in a dark tone as the humans trembled in fear, "Te-tell y-your friend's story...", the humans accept defeat. "Ok, Nightmare! You might want to get yourself up here!"

It seems that Cross' sanity grew up again, Nightmare wiped his tears and it seems to have stopped. "O-ok! Wait!", Nightmare run at the black and white wearing skeleton. "So, my friend's story is..."

-Some minutes later-

Cross explained to the villagers about Nightmare's job, his personality, and what he's doing now. Nightmare corrected some Cross' mistakes and what he feels about his job and the people who got inflicted by him. "I see...", as they listened on Cross and Nightmare's story, they feel sympathy on Nightmare, whose neck is covered by Cross' sash while he's clutching onto it. Now, Cross questioned to the villagers, "So... where is Blueberry?", the villagers answered, "Oh, that skeleton with gray armor and blue scarf? He-"

SUddenly, they hear a happy voice, "MWEH HEH HEH! I, THE MAGNIFICENT SANS, HAS RETURNED TO THE VILLAGE ONCE AGAIN!", the voice belongs to... Blueberry!

"Looks like we gotta go now! See you guys later, and sorry for the ruckus earlier!", Cross said the villagers went to their homes. Nightmare is about to ask him where to go but...

Cross holds Nightmare's hand suddenly and runs to the source of voice, Nightmare almost got a heart attack when he felt something on his hand, "H-hey..! Ow!", he falls down on the ground, again. "S-sorry! 'Twas irresponsible of me!", Cross blushed and exclaimed as he helps Nightmare to get up, "C'mon Nighty! Let's go at Blueberry!", Cross said delightfully as Nightmare blushed and nervously said, "Uhh... sure?", 'Did he seriously called Nighty?!', Nightmare thought sweatily as he follows Cross.

Total Words: 922


I'll be creating a 50 Reads Special, which is going to be canon in this story

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I'll be creating a 50 Reads Special, which is going to be canon in this story. So, don't rush the heck out of me because I'm going to have a bad time there!

If there's something to ask. Ask me at my book called 'Ask Me Anything!', feel free to ask anything.



Crossing the Border of Nightmare (CrossMare Fanfic) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now