Chapter 12/Katharine Hepburn's more dangerous quote

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Megan's shape was very curvy she was all fake tan and no eyebrows. I looked at her and couldn't stop my self from thinking 'she shouldn't stand to close to fires. After all plastic melts'.

Emily was more pragmatic "Megan you look like a complete dumpster fire. If you're coming to the fundraiser you can't go looking like that. You need to get changed completely or put some lipstick on, worried face 😟 surprised face with open mouth 😮."

"Who is this?" said Megan looking at me.

"This is Kaitlyn Edan," said Alexander.

"I'm so glad to meet you Kaitlyn" said Megan "I'm glad he's moved on from that terrible nerdy girl who worked in McDonald's of all things. She was so pathetic...."

Megan stopped everybody was looking at her.

"... she's behind me right now isn't she?" said Megan stopping and turning around. "no she isn't" she added feeling rather pleased. "why is everyone looking at me so weirdly."

"It's national weird look day," I said flatly.

"OMG. I missed national weird look day! I've been stuck in there so long I've missed national weird look day. Damn those kidnappers." said Megan mortified. While she put her ass on the groud to streach it's legs. 

I did wonder what kind of kidnappers would kidnap someone in the trunk of their own car. Possibly the kind who were attention seeking kidnappers. Can you technically kidnap yourself?

"look why don't you take my car home get cleaned up and meets us and our parents at the fundraiser?" said Alexander putting his phone down. He had already summoned his Lamborghini. I kind of like the way he took charge.

A blue Lamborghini turned up and beeped.

"Don't let you ass ruin my seats, they have only just been cleaned after Mother's mini Leopard scratched them." said Alexander.

"Take me home," said Megan to the car.

Megan got in and the Lamborghini drove off. I thought it was a bit odd that the Lamborghini had change color but Alexander was the kind of person that had more than one Lamborghini. 

We got into the back of the limousine again.

Alexander was on the phone again. "it's the London office." he said to us and then switched to the phone "They rejected the 140 million offer?... OK offer them 138 million but ... "

Alexander put his hand over the phone.

He looked Emily "How do you say red in British?"

"red the color or read the book?" Asked Emily.

"Red the color," said Alexander.

"Red" said Emily.

"Okay offer them 138 million but say I want it red, okay.... no red the color... that's it... goodbye." Alexander said in a British accent then put the phone down.

"I'm not sure they understood what I said?" Alexander said putting his phone away.

"In British, there is a U in colour. But I think your British is improving." said Emily.

"Thanks," said Alexander " it's not as difficult as I thought. But I think I might go to British land to close the deal. You should come with me to help translate. Both of you."

"I'd love to go back to British land. You should go to Kaitlyn. The shopping in London is fantastic." Said Emily pouring me some champagne. I looked at champagne and I thought for a second.

"'If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." said Emily.

It was Katharine Hepburn's more dangerous quote. Well, I was 21, it said so on my fake ID. I didn't want to come over as too smart so I tried it. It tasted like cold fizzy grape juice with some medicine added to it. I didn't drink much as I had to search for the maze later.

"What do you think?" ask Emily.

"It's OK" I said not wishing to commit to anything.

Alexander took a sip as well and pulled a sour face.

"I see what you mean. It's only a Champagne Krug Vintage Brut. I'm surprised you didn't spit it out. I don't know why we have to keep $900 champagne in the car. Dad and his economy drives, I guess." said Alexander. I looked at the bottle and he was right it was Krug Vintage Brut.

I got a message from Marta. 'R U OK' it said.

'Fine all good' I texted back with 'ALL COOL AIDE'.

I had a secret word which I used to say all was good. If I had texted 'ALL FINE' it was a secret sign I was in trouble and she had to phone the police. I had phoned Marta up that day and got her to tell my mom I was sleeping over at her place tonight. I hadn't explained the details. I just said I was too nervous to go to school and needed some time to think things out. I said if asked I took the wrong turning to school that morning and got lost.

We soon got to the outskirts of town and past by the always open gates of the town fence. It was nice being back somewhere familiar. We passed the maternity hospital, a nursery, the high fence surrounding the town library, some shops, my college, then after passing some offices we saw the open square In the middle of town leading the out to the governer's Mansion. I felt tense as we approached the Mansion. It was tall and white with huge columns at the front and a low Isosceles triangle forming the front of the roof. In front of the huge curving of the road leading up to the historic building sat a long line of self driving limousines. We slowed down.

"Look photographers. smiley face.😊 " said Emily. Emily had been busy drinking the Champagne like Kool-Aid and taking selfies of herself.

I suddenly became quite worried that I might get caught. Alexander must have sensed my nerves and grabbed my hand.

"Remember your with me," Alexander said.

"Thanks" I said. How could I forget?

"The really good news is I'm with me as well," he added.

We arrived and that was a red carpet outside the mansion leading up steps to the entrance. Either side of the carpet was a velvet rope which kept back a line of photographers. I was still invisible behind the tinted glass. This was it,

"Remember," said Emily "sort of girl born with glitter in her veins."

She was right this will be an excellent time to grab my inner idiot. Emily opened the door we began to get out.

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