Just Your Ordinary Girl Next Door| Prologue

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          HAILEE WATCHED HER SISTER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER groan in frustration as she kicked a plastic bottle away from her path. "Like, how on earth is that my fault? I clearly remember telling her that he was such a bad influence and that she should just go for Daniel, but did she listen? No! She simply brushed off my attempts to help fix her fucked up relationship and look where that got her!" Caitlin ranted throwing her hands up showing her frustration towards her client. Her caramel hues burned holes at the dejected blonde who kept her head low as she closed herself off from the entire school.

Hailee wasn't sure if she should calm the angry brunette or agree with her. She decided to go with a third option. "You know what? You seem stressed, let's go out with the others tonight!" she cheered looking at the brunette expectantly. The older girl was really eager to spend a night out with her sisters who were ever so busy giving excuses such as "I'm sorry Hail, but I've gotta kill someone tonight," or "Sorry bae, but I've got a new client." Those petty excuses annoyed her for far too long and she was determined to make them go with her.

"What about Camilla or Kayla?" Caitlin asked and Hailee hated that suggestive tone she had. "Kayla doesn't talk to me and I've been avoiding Cam ever since... well you know that." Hailee smacked Caitlin's arm remembering the days where she would go out with the other two and why she started to avoid the eldest of the group. Hailee, though, appreciated their presences from time to time but she wanted a night where the five of them would go out on a casual Friday night and enjoy. Even if that meant having to endure an entire night with an angry Camilla. Hailee shuddered at the thought of finally having to interact with the eldest after purposefully avoiding her for the past week.

"M'kay then. Meet you up later at your house around 8," Caitlin shrugged fixing the strap of her back up before waving goodbye to her childhood best friend as she entered the sleek black BMW parked right outside of the school.


          Time flew by for the young protagonist as she enjoyed a late night walk, a few minutes pass one in the morning. She was long sober after their wild games and decided to stop by a convenience for a couple of pain killers for her sleeping sisters.

Upon returning back home, an ear piercing scream broke the silence of the neighborhood soon then followed by a loud thud. Hailee froze in her tracks as a cold shiver ran down her spine. She gulped tempted to look and call for help, but on the other hand, she was just sure that she was being paranoid.

But just as she took another step, another shrill scream broke out as a pained whimper followed by. Hailee tightened her grip on the plastic bag wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. It was obviously none of her business and she should just go home. This was probably one of the effects of the alcohol. But before she could take any step further, guilt and just a slight of curiousity made it's way to the pit of her stomach making her turn around and look for the source of the sound.

She knew that none of this was none of her business so why was she running towards the direction of the voice. Hailee also knew that if she didn't help then the guilt would have eaten her alive. And so her body moved against her protests. 

Hailee stopped panting as she noticed that the cries of help increased. Hailee then turned right and she hid behind a wall peering over to watch the scene. There was a young lady stuck in between a wall and man, her clothes barely covering her up. Blocking her view of the victim's face was a rather large and tall men standing at the height of 6'0 or so. An expensive black Armani suit donned his large figure. He seemed to be talking to the young woman with two other men standing close to him like bodyguards.

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