I am looking in the mirror and I do not see Ana anymore....I see a broken woman that no one would want. I see Jack all over me and I decide to try and wash him off of me. I don't even remember that Flynn is here I just need to get him off of me. I strip off my clothes and turn the knob to hot. I step under the spray and start to feel the burn of the water and I welcome it. I sit on the floor of the shower and pray to be clean again. Just be clean. The water feels wonderful.

Flynn POV

As Christian is questioning me I think about my walk with Anastasia and excuse myself to check on her. I tell Christian to give me some time and I will call him. He looks pissed but I shrug it off, I'm used to pissed Christian. I enter the room and hear the shower. Hmm that doesn't make much sense. I knock on the door and of course she can't hear me the shower is on and the door is locked. Just as I was about to exit the room Mrs Jones walks by and I call to her if she has the key to the door. She nods yes and unlocks the door.

 I walk into the bathroom and see Ana on the floor of the shower and it is hotter than hell in here. I walk to the shower and burn my hand on the knob. Anastasia is not even aware of my presence. I grab a towel and walk her into the room. I go to the door and lock it. Don't need Christian coming in. "Anastasia what were you doing"? She shudders "Trying to clean him off of me, I looked in the mirror and all I could see is him all over me". I sigh and examine her burns. "Well your burns are worse than before so I need to call Dr Grace to come and look at them....this is my concern dear. You didn't even feel the heat. You could've burned yourself". She looks at me so lost and hurt and I feel for this innocent woman. "Come with me, I can make arrangements for the clinic....Christian won't know I promise". She nods in agreement and I sigh. "OK after Grace comes we will go dear OK"? "OK" "Do you need to get your things together"? "No they already are....I was planning to leave after you left". I call Grace and ask her to stop by...thankfully she is at the hospital and can be here in 10 mins.

After a minute I hear the door knob rattle and then knocking. I walk over to the door and open it slightly. "Yes Christian"? "What is going on Flynn? Let me into the room" he tries to force his way into the room and I hold steady. "Anastasia needs a few minutes Christian. Its not about your needs right now, its about hers" "I need to see her John.....please" I see the pain in his face and the desperation. "Give us a few minutes Christian and your mother should be here soon so let her in when she gets here" "Why? Whats wrong"? He tries again to barge into the room but I hold strong. "Nothing I just want her to look at her burns Christian, please" he curses a litany under his breath and walks away. "Hmmm I am going to have to deal with a very pissed off Christian" I mutter and Anastasia giggles slightly. I chuckle but hear a knock at the door. I inquire who it is and it is Dr Grace. Christian is behind her and I let her in and hold him off "Bye Christian" I hear him stomp off. "Grace I need you to look over Anastasia's burns, they have recently been exposed to severe heat". She walks over to Ana and Ana is so dispondant it is concerning. "how did this happen dear"? "I was just trying to get clean" she mutters and looks away. Grace looks at me and I shake my head. "OK dear let me look and dress these wounds". The burns have now blistered and that is never good. Now she is prone to infection. After Grace finishes Ana go to the closet to dress. "What happened John"? she whispers "Don't tell Christian but she sees her attacker on her physically and feels dirty. I am taking Ana with me after she dresses to get her back on track" "Oh no....not the clinic...why not to my home? Christian isn't there and I can keep an eye on her wounds and on Ana herself. I don't think she could handle the clinic. I will make sure no one knows where she is". I think about what Grace has said and I agree she couldn't handle the clinic. "As long as she is not left alone and Christian is unaware of where she is....I think his presence while soothing at times is overwhelming to her. Would you be willing to take a leave of absence"? "Of course I will I have so much vacation time stored, I am about to lose it. Let me make a call". 

Ana comes from the closet and sits on the bed. "My dear a change of plan, Grace is going to look after you at her home, she can check your wounds more often and you will have peace and quiet to heal. Are you OK with that"? She nods yes and looks towards Grace. Now to break it to Christian. I walk out of the room and Christian is ready to pounce. "What is going on John? What is my mother doing here"? "I noticed some of Anastasia's burns looked blistered so I called your mother to look at them. This is normal Christian. OK so Christian I am taking Anastasia to a wellness get a way, I think communing with nature will do her good help her reorganize her mind. She has agreed and we will be leaving in a few minutes. After I get her situated I will come back and we can continue our session" "Ana doesn't need to leave...there are people here who care about her and can care for her right now. At this retreat they are strangers and I don't know anything about them if it is safe will they hurt her there". My goodness control issues 101. "Christian may I remind you this is about Anastasia not you. This is what SHE needs". "No I am not letting her leave. Once she leaves she will never come back" Christian starts to cry at this and storms off to his office. He comes back just as quick "Fine she needs this retreat....then she needs security. Taylor will accompany her" Damn he is stubborn....I know he has trackers in his cars and electronic devices. I need to make sure Ana leaves all devices with me. "Fine....but Taylor leaves all electronic devices behind. There will be a phone accessible for him to keep in touch but do not interrogate him to get her location or to speak with her. When she is ready she will call you". He looks to be struggling but I know this man, I know what he is capable of. "FINE. Taylor" he calls and the man magically appears. "Yes sir" "You are to accompany Ana to some sort of retreat as security also you need to leave all electronic devices here as I am not allowed to track your whereabouts" "Yes sir, how long will I be gone for"? Christian looks to me and I state "At least 2 weeks could be longer" Taylor nods and goes I am sure to ready himself. "You better take care of my girl Flynn...she means everything to me. I will not allow another fucker to hurt what is mine". 

As Christian finishes his rant Grace and Ana leave the bedroom and Christian rushes over to Anastasia. "Ana baby" he says "do you really need to go to this retreat? I can care for you here with Mrs Jones and Taylor. I will take off of work, whatever you need". She looks at his face, reaches out her hand and says "I need to stop being an inconvenience on your life right now. I need to re-find myself and this is the best way". "YOU ARE NOT AN INCONVENIENCE, you never could be, let me know when your ready and I will come for you". "Christian, I still love you more than before but we are not together anymore, let me do what I need and go from there. Please Christian I need this understand it is nothing to do with you". She leans over and kisses him on the cheek and walks to the elevator. I follow behind and tell him I will return after Ana is settled. Grace stays behind as Taylor takes the service elevator to the garage.

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