Chapter 10: Re-meeting Sam

Start from the beginning

When I pulled away, I began talking non-stop just like she had.

"Oh my gosh! You look sooo different! But don't worry, it's not a bad thing," I stated. "But I'm not saying you looked horrible before either," I corrected myself. "You just, you look great! You're blonde, blue eyes, skinnier, tanner, more mature... I think," I said as I remembered all the pranks she used to pull on Lauren and I.

One time, when we were taking a shower in a locker room at a public pool, she snuck in and grabbed our clothes. We spent weeks trying to come up with a plan to get back at her. We finally got her back by putting pink hair dye in her shampoo bottle. She had to stay like that for weeks. Of course, we all got in trouble but it was worth it.

Right now, she stood in front of me chuckling at the memories. "Ahh, pink hair dye," she said.

I laughed with her as we listed more stuff and chatted for a while before I asked her where Lauren is. Sammy said Lauren was somewhere downstairs, either making breakfast or watching TV.

I thanked her and gave her a quick hug before preparing to head down the stairs. When I was about to though, she stopped me and thrust something at my face.

"Here," she said with a smile.

I looked up at her and smiled back before continuing to walk down the stairs. Because I was a klutz and not the most stable person right now, I decided not to look at the paper while I was walking down the stairs. Or walking at all for that matter.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I stopped and opened the paper up to reveal Sam's phone number. I smiled. I was so popular, haha. Seeing as though I had no where to put it because my dress had no pockets, I did the next best thing and stuffed it in my strapless bra before walking off to find Lauren.

I found Lauren in the TV room eating cereal while watching 'Dance Moms'. I grinned at the oppurtunity to scare her. However, the oppurtunity never came because my stomach growled. Lauren turned her head in my direction and sent me a warm smile. Then when she realized that I had wanted to scare her, her smile turned into a smirk.

"Next time you want to scare me, you might want to try eating first," she said before turning back around and continuing to watch her TV.

I stuck my tongue out and made faces behind her head. Then I laughed as I walked around the sofa and sat down next to Lauren before stealing her cereal bowl.

"Hey, I'm hungry," she whined, trying to take it from me while still staring at the screen.

"I hope you know that you are never going to get it if you keep staring at the scree," I told her as I shoved a spoonful of cinnamon toast crunch and milk into my mouth.

"Whatever," she muttered, giving up, as she crossed her arms across her chest. "I wasn't hungry anyways," Lauren said, sticking her chin out.

I laughed at her. "Sure, you weren't," I said.

I finished the last of it and then set the bowl on the coffee table in front of me.

"What's the plan for the day?" I asked.

"Actually, I have work today," she said sending me a look that said 'I'm really sorry.'

"Oh, that's fine," I said. "I need to shower and change my clothes anyways. Plus, my mom's probably freaking out and thinking I 'had fun' with Asher," I stated rolling my eyes.

Lauren turned to me and winked. "So it's not just me who thinks that way?" She asked with a smirk on her face before turning back to watch Dance Moms. "Good to know."


Half an hour later, I was in the guest room at Lauren's house, grabbing my stuff to head home. After I was done, I walked into Sam's room to say goobye to her.

"Hey, I'm leaving," I said to her with a frown.

"What? Why?" Sam asked as she scrambled off her bed again. This time,she pulled me into a more gentle hug as I hugged her back.

"Your sister has work. Plus, I need to shower and change," I said motioning towards my dress.

She looked at me and suddenly, an idea popped into her head. I could tell by the way her mouth turned from a frown to a smile, all too quickly.

"Nonsense!" she yelled. "We're going to the mall!"

"I'm not going looking like this!" I yelled back at her.

"I know you're not! That's why you're going to go home, shower, change your clothes, and then I'll pick you up and we can head to the mall. Duh!" Sam said laughing.

"Fine," I said with a smile as she hugged me one last time.

I walked down the stairs to see Lauren standing near the door, her phone in her hand and her car keys in the other. When she noticed me, she looked up.

"You ready?" she asked.

I nodded as we stepped into the warm sunny weather and hopped inside her car.


Hey my lovely readers! Here's another chapter for you all. Happy Easter again! Hope you all had a great day. Please vote, comment, and fan! Also I entered this story in the watty awards 2012 so please make sure to vote for it! Thanks :]

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