Kenny x wealthy! Reader ~ My girlfriend, the sugar mama (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

A rather thick dude, another one with a blue, brown and red outfit, one with a green and orange outfit and one in an orange parka. Oh wait, there were some more! Another teenager in a wheelchair, a dude with a purple shirt with a "T" on it, another one with a dark blue and yellow outfit, a blonde dude with a half open green shirt and some more behind them.

I could also hear some of their voices.

,,I heard she's a millionare."

,,Probably some porn star."

,,Shut up Cartman! Maybe she is very nice."

,,I saw her for a second before, she's hot."

,,Yeah me too, bet she's already taken or something."

And another voice, rather muffled, which I couldn't understand at all from all up there, but after he finished, I heard them all having a laughing fit.

,,Yeah I bet with you that you won't."

Then the same muffled voice again, as always I understood nothing from it.

,,Deal," was the last thing I heard from another person.

It was almost creepy how much attention I got on the first day despite doing nothing else but moving in. That was a long day I thought, so I went to take a one or two hours nap.

As I woke up it was already a bit darker and my stomach made a loud noise. I held my stomach.

Food, that's what I needed right now.

I took an expensive big (f/c) fake fur coat out of my wardrobe and underneath I wore a (f/c) shirt with a bit of cleavage. I also took some black expensive pants, my black Gucci bag and some black high heels and went out of my house.

When walking through the streets, I got some glares. Damn these people didn't have many wealthy people around here. I tried to ignore their glares as much as I could as I was walking pretty lost through that town.

I sighed and walked into a chinese food place called "City Wok". There was an asian man at the counter, he smiled nicely at me. This food place was without any people, perfect.

,,Herro wercome to shity fak! May I take your ordaa?" the man said.

I tried my best to not burst out in laughter so I just nicely smiled back at him while telling him what I wanted.

After ordering (f/f), I went far behind on a free seat and ate while looking at my phone.

I texted my mom who I just missed as much as dad. It was hard not being able to see them and being near them. But I had a better future now and from time to time I would sent them some money. Even though we were poor before, I wanted to show them my gratitude. They raised me well after all. I smiled after sending her my message, wishing her a good week in it.

Suddenly I heard laughter and voices, I had heard these voices before...

Three young men of the previous big group in front of my house entered into the City wok. What a coincidence, I thought. The world is small...

I rolled my eyes and checked my facebook while looking over to them a few times.

They sat right in front of me, so I had a better sight of them, perfect. I asked myself countless of times, why were they so interesting to me?! They were about 20 years old normal dudes after all. There was nothing special about them, but yet I couldn't stop listening to their conversations. I felt so cringy and creepy, but probably I was just so lonely and already in my pre-midlife crisis.

By hearing their conversations and chatting I remember back how I got bullied at school by people older than me or the same age. Strangers always had pity with me when I got bullied and had a bigger heart than my bullies. They treated me well and were smarter than those idiots from my classes who smoked weed and drunk beer at a way too young age. Guess where these people are now? Yep. They have shitty jobs and work hard for less money, at least most of them. They saw me growing out of my depression as soon as I left school and get richer and richer and more and more educated, thus their jealousy grew bigger too, but it wasn't affecting me anymore.

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