Fire and Ice (19)

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I felt another cold drip of water slide down my arm, the cold ice burning my hand slightly. "You're a moron, you know that right?" I laughed slightly as I pressed the Ice back onto Natsu's eye, hoping to avoid bruising.

"Yeah well, I was just doing my job," He hissed as I pressed against his bruise, a tad too hard.

I snorted slightly as I laughed. "Your job was to wait as we thought of a plan." I put the ice down on the table, wiping my hands on my pants to dry them off. "Not run blindly into battle and take on the entire guild."

"Yeah, well I still defeated them," He huffed as he looked away from me, blushing slightly.

"Only because we rushed in to save your butt soon after," I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Look, you shouldn't bruise, but it'll be a bit tender... so like don't rub it." I grabbed the ice pack off the table and walked over to a nearby bin, throwing it out and walking away.

"Thanks by the way," Natsu suddenly said as I started walking away from him.

"Uh yeah... no problem... what are friends for?" I forced a laugh, my heart broke slightly as I referred to him as my friend. God, I wished we were so much more.

"Yeah... friends," He muttered in the same tone I did. NICE ONE Y/N!! YOU MAKE HIM UNCOMFORTABLE!! I'M JUST SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I swallowed my disappointment and walked over to Mira at the bar, flopping down as I let out a deep sigh.

"Boy troubles?" Mira asked as she was stacking glasses.

"You know it," I groaned, my chin resting on the bar.

"I still don't get why you won't tell him how you feel." I could tell Mira was sick of this constant game of cat and mouse.

"Cause, it's better to suffer in silence and remain friends than getting rejected."

"He won't reject you, he's very clearly into you... you're just the only one that can't see that," She sighed as she looked over to Natsu. "He looks just as confused and upset as you."

"That's because I make him uncomfortable," I groaned as I hid my face in my hands.

"Or do you make him nervous?" She winked as she placed a glass of water on the bar for me.

"It's the same thing." I picked up the glass, shrugging slightly, not giving her statement much thought.

"It's not, you get nervous around him because you like him." She leant forward, getting closer to me as she rested her arms on the bar. "It's possible he thinks the same thing," She whispered, her voice barely audible.

I burst out laughing, snorting and slapping the table as I tried to calm myself down. I wiped tears from my eyes as I tried to stop the fits of laughter that kept escaping from me. "Good one, Mira!" I choked out between fits of laughter.

"I wasn't joking," She winked once more before walking off to go do something else, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Natsu liking me, that's funny.

We've been enemies for years now. Sure, we're family, but we still fight constantly. I don't know about you, but that doesn't scream possible girlfriend.

I guess I ended up liking him even though we fight, so it's possible he may like me. But, he's got better options than me. Right?

He did call me beautiful the other day... but he was just being a good friend, like you know, being supportive. Sure none of my other friends say those things about me... but there's a first time for everything.

I glanced over my shoulder, stealing a quick look in Natsu's direction. He was sitting in the same place I left him, his hand cupping his eye, just where my hand had been a moment ago. A small smile graced his lips as he looked off into the distance. Was he hurt?

I slid off my seat, walking away from the bar to go check in on Natsu. "Hey, why are you holding your eye... has it got worse?" I asked as I squatted down so I could look in his eyes.

"N-No! I was... it's just because you were... like your hand was.... Argh never mind!" He stuttered as he scrambled to find the right words.

"I was what?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion, my eyebrows knitting together as I wracked my brain for the solution.

His face went bright red and he looked away, trying to hide his face from my view. "It's nothing, don't worry," He huffed as he puffed out his cheeks, acting like a toddler.

"Well, I am worried," I said as I grabbed his face, moving it so he was looking at me. "You're my friend, and I lo- Really care for you," I cut myself off before I let anything slip, smiling as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm fine really," He smiled back as he tried to shift out of my grip.

"You're not, just tell me." Maybe it was something Mira said, or I was just in an especially good mood, but I was persistent today. I wanted to know what was wrong with him, and I was going to find out. "I really care for you, and I want to know what is going on with you. I want to be apart of your life."

I saw something flash behind his eyes as he thought something over in his head. I could tell whatever it was, he was putting some serious thought into it. Something snapped inside of him and he appeared to give into whatever he was fighting against.

He pushed himself up off the table, his eyes glazed over with something I had never seen before. It wasn't anger or hurt, or even happiness. It was something entirely new.

He walked closer to me, the sudden proximity causing me to blush slightly. He towered over me, his muscular build absolutely dwarfing my tiny form. I gulped slightly as I felt his hot breath on my forehead, he was so close, but I longed for us to be closer. He blinked twice, as he thought over his decisions, but it was clear he was set on what he was about to do.

Almost at lightning speed. Before I could even process what was happening, one of his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer. While the other tangled itself in my hair, just being my neck.

Before could get a single word out. Before I could ask what was going on, I was silenced. He pressed his lips to mine, my eyes widened in shock, I couldn't process a thing. My body just melted into his embrace as sparks coursed through every fiber of my being. I gasped slightly in shock, allowing him to deepen the kiss.

It was like a ying-yang balance, I was always cold thanks to my magic, but his lips were so warm, sending shockwaves through my body. He made me feel something I never had, he was so warm and comforting.

I soon gave him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer, closing my eyes slightly as in enjoyed the new feeling. I felt him loosened up slightly, I assume with relief that I hadn't just punched him.

My heart was beating wildly out of my chest, my entire body craving every second of the kiss. God, I didn't know how badly I wanted this. How badly I wanted him. We only separated for air, panting slightly as we pressed our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes. We smiled at each other, trying to catch our breaths from the intense display of emotions we had been holding in for so long.

We had completely forgotten we were in the guild until I heard Lucy and Levy scream. I snapped my head over to them to see them hugging and jumping around as the yelled. Juvia was on the ground in a puddle of her own blood and Gray was just watching smugly in the distance.

My face instantly started burning, I grabbed Natsu by his jacket and instantly hid my face in his back. He simply laughed as apologised. I slowly move my arms away from my face and wrapped them around his torso, hugging him from behind - still hiding my face mind you.

Maybe Mira was right after all

Enemies at Heart // Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now