Hangovers (9)

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"Never again!" I groaned as I head pounded, every breath I took felt like I was swallowing a handful of razor blades.

"By 'Never again' do you mean the drinking? trying to strip in a random club? pouring a milkshake on a customer? The list goes on really" Natsu mocked as he rested his head on his hands, he was clearly enjoying this.

"I did all that?!" I asked/groaned as I flopped on the bench, drunk me has no boundaries.


"Even the stripping?!"

He could barely hold back his laughter as he tried to get an answer out. "Especially the stripping." A massive grin was plastered on his face as he practically saw the life drain out of my face.

"I can never show my face in public again," I whimpered as I hid my face in my hands.

"Please! You drank less than everyone else there, and you can't even remember what happened, you'll be fine," He comforted me as I internally sobbed.

"I blame you entirely!" I pointed a finger at Gray in an accusing fashion, "YOU MADE ME THIS WAY!" I yelled as I gestured to myself.

He put his hands up in defence, "I didn't do anything, it was flame brain who made you take that stupid maid job," He said, deflecting the blame off of him and onto Natsu.

"Well... if you think about it, it's Y/N's fault, she ran away so the maid job was her punishment," Erza butted in.

"IT WAS NOT!!" I argued as I tried to defend myself.

"She was also the one who decided drinking was a good idea," Mira laughed from behind the counter.

"YOU'RE ALL BULLIES!!" I yelled as I hit my head under my arms in shame.

"Excuse me, I saved your ass last night," Natsu added.

"I strongly doubt that,"  I said as I shot him a strange look.

"Do you remember otherwise," he said it me, knowing full well I didn't remember anything.

"I remember up to me storming out of a cafe."

"So, in other words, no." He mocked.

"I didn't ask for your help!" I yelled as I tried to avoid this line of conversation.

"You couldn't really ask for anything," he added.

I simply rolled my eyes and turned away, crossing my legs and folding up my arms. I sat there like a spoilt child, ignoring whoever I was mad at until I got my way. I made a small huffing sound as I turned my head away from Natsu, blocking out his stupid face.

I temporarily turned back around to grab my water, keeping my eyes away from Natsu the whole time,  I could feel his gaze burning into me, if I were to look up, we would for sure lock eyes. I turned back around, angrily sipping my water as I glared at the ground.

"Why is Y/N so grumpy," Happy cooed as he flew past us.

"Don't worry bud, she's just grumpy because she can't handle a few drinks," Natsu explained.

"Oh Yeah?! Says you 'Fire lord of chaos'." I turned my head around so I could face him, still keeping the rest of my body facing away. Last time he got drunk he ran around screaming at people to fight him as he called himself the 'fire lord of chaos'.

"So what? It wasn't that bad!"

"YOU TRIED TO FIGHT GILDARTS!!" I spun completely around so I could face him, yelling at him as I did so.

"I already do that all the time!!" He said, seeming disinterested in the conversation


"I'm a wizard, it's not like injuries are that uncommon,"

"YOU WERE IN A CAST FOR THREE MONTHS!!" I paused and tried to regain my composure "You. Were. Miserable. The. Whole. Time!" I put emphasis on each word as I tried to get my point across.

"I wasn't that miserable!" He said as he brushed off my comments.

"You literally begged happy to kill you at one point, if that isn't miserable, I don't know what is."

"I was joking! Can't I make jokes now?!" He complained.

"You can make jokes, but you literally thought that death was better than waiting another three days to get your cast off," I said, instantly shooting his comment down.

He rolled his eyes in a similar fashion as I did, fed up with this argument. "Let's just agree that we're both uncontrollable and stupid when we drink." His tone was dull, he was clearly uninterested in the topic we found ourselves on.

"I'm fine with that," I groaned as I looked away from him.

"Wow~ You guys can't go three minutes without fighting," Happy mocked once again as he flew around us.

"SHUT IT YOU STUPID CAT!!" I screamed as I took on Lucy's usual role - yelling various threats and profanities at the flying blue fluffball.

"SOMEONE SAVE ME!! ONE LUCY IS ENOUGH!!" Happy screamed in terror as I chased him around the guild, jumping and clawing at the air in an attempt to catch him.

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