The Start Of Everything (1)

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In the town of Magnolia, there lies the strongest guild in all of Fiore: Fairy Tail.

Fairy Tail is a guild filled with stripping ice wizards, love-crazed water mages, adorkable wind dragon slayers, and hot-headed fire dragon slayers.

Of course in a guild with this much diversity there is bound to be a few arguments here and there, and this can't be more true for 2 wizards... This is where our story lies.

Y/N L/N and Natsu Dragneel are probably not the best of friends... To put it simply, they hate each other's guts to their very cores. The magic these two possess can be blamed for their rivalry because how are ice and fire supposed to mix... Let's see what they're up too.


Y/N's P.O.V.

"WHERE ARE YOU DRAGNEEL?!" I roared, busting the doors of the guild down.

"What do you want, Frosty?" Dragneel called out, leaving his group.

"Would you like to explain to me why this happened," I hissed, showing him the streaks of red that were in my hair.

"What can I say, your hair was stupid before," he said, crossing his arms and shooting me a smug look. Context here is the fact that I had streaks of white in my hair and he's painted them over with red while I was sleeping as some kind of 'joke'.

"Like you can talk about stupid hair," I said, moving closer to the fire dragon slayer.

"Are you trying to start a fight," he said, looking down at me.... Yes, I am shorter than him.

"And what if I am?"

"Uh, guys, I don't think fighting in the guild is a good idea," Lucy said, slowly approaching us.

"STAY OUT OF THIS LUCY!" We yelled at the blonde simultaneously.

"There is no stopping them when they get like this, you know that Lucy," Happy chimed in as he flew above our heads.

"Hey, Happy! How are yo-" I was interrupted by a certain dragon slayer punching me in the gut.

"Oh, you asked for it!" I yelled before lunging at him.

"BRING IT!" He yelled, taking a stance, preparing to block.

"Are we fighting in the guild?" A feminine voice called out.

"H-HI! Erza." A chill ran down my spine as I acknowledged the female standing behind me.

"You didn't answer my question Y/N," she said, a dark aura radiating from her.

"HE/SHE STARTED IT!" Natsu and I called out in an attempt to get off the hook.

"I STARTED IT?! IT WAS YOU!" We yelled at each other.

"GOD, I HATE YOU!!" We exclaimed, turning away from each other and crossing our arms.

"Y/N Do you want to go on a miss-- Were you fighting with Natsu-san again?" Juvia happily chirped as she walked into the guild, not noticing that Natsu and I were sat in the middle of the guild getting scolded by Erza for the ten-thousandth time.

"No..." I pouted, looking away from Juvia.

"Wow... you look even more pathetic like that," Natsu complained.

"Shut it," I hissed.

"Let's go Y/N, Juvia thinks you should be away from Natsu-san for a while," Juvia said, grabbing me by the hand.

"Where are we going then?" I questioned as she dragged me out of the guild.

"We can go to the pool," she said.

"YAY! Swimming!" I squealed like a kid in a candy shop.

"You love water way too much for an ice mage," Juvia sweatdropped.

"That's why you're my bestie!!!" I smiled at her.

The backstory behind this is ever since Juvia joined our guild, we've basically been inseparable. It's probably because

Our magics tend to line up pretty well (ice dragonslayer and a water mage)

We're both kind of obsessed with romance... But I don't obsess over a boy, It's more like.... I'm in love with the concept of love.

We're like two weirdo peas on a weirdo pod! Regardless, she's my best friend and there is no way I'd find a better one, no matter how hard I try.

"WE'RE HERE!!" I called out as I jumped in the air at the sight of the local pool.

"Ah, Y/N, I see you're back again," the man behind the counter greeted me as I walked through the gate.

"Yup!" I giggled as I ran towards the pool, jumping straight in. "Ahhhh" I sighed as I laid on my back in the water.

"You seem happy today Y/N," Juvia stated as she slid into the water.

"Really?? I don't feel different," I said, lifting my head up so I could look at the water mage.

"Hey, It's just an observation," she said, swimming towards me.

We just laid on our backs talking about anything that came to mind for hours. Eventually a comfortable silence fell upon us as we just floated.

(A/N Honestly their friendship is goals)

"Hey Y/N?" Juvia said, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"What's up with your hair?" She said, turning towards me and taking a piece of my now red hair between her fingers.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you," I sweat dropped. "Dragneel snuck into my house last night and dyed parts of my hair red!"

"Do you want to get it fixed?" She asked.

"No, I actually kind of like it," I said, not thinking about what I was saying until I heard a muffled giggle next to me. It turns out Juvia was fangirling.

"Hey! Don't take that the wrong way! I still hate him and his stupid face," I said, standing up and placing my hands on my hips.

"Hate who?" I turned to see Lucy was standing on the side of the pool.

"Oh, hello love rival."

"I'm not your love rival," she muttered to herself "As I was saying.. Who do you hate?" She asked.

"Dragneel," I hissed.

"Oh, you mean Nats-"


"You really don't like him do you?" Lucy questioned.

"Noooo, He's the best!! We get along so well," I responded, sarcasm dripping from my words.

"Why don't you like each other?" Lucy asked as she also joined us in the pool.

"Haven't I ever told you?" While Lucy and I weren't besties, I did consider her a good friend. We just don't talk heaps due to a certain dragon slayer being in her team.

"Come to think of it, you've never really explained it to me," Juvia said from behind me.... I really thought I would have told her, I guess not.

"Well, it started when I joined the guild. We joined around the same time, he joined four days earlier to be exact. From the start, I could tell that something about him just didn't seem right to me, the following years were pretty plain. We argued, fought, argued some more, and then were separated by Erza or Gramps," I sighed. "We've just never really got along, I guess you can blame our personalities,"

"Well, you know the saying two wrongs don't make a right? It's basically two cocky aggressive people don't make friends... if that makes sense," Juvia explained.

"Yeah, I guess I understand Natsu can be a handful," Lucy laughed as she scratched the back of her head.


Enemies at Heart // Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now