Chapter Three: Fumbled The Bag

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"Okay, what about this one?" Aria held up an outfit she had pulled out of her closet. It was a black velvet bodysuit with spaghetti straps and a deep dip in the front, more than likely revealing a lot of cleavage.

"We're going to a block party, not the club" I blinked, watching Aria as she admired the raunchy outfit.

As much as I wanted to stay in bed and hide under the blankets, I knew it was a terrible idea for me to be alone. It didn't take rocket science to figure out who sent the letter.

It had to be the man with the blue eyes because no one else knew of my past life, not even my best friends. Which is also why I decided not to tell them anything about it. I couldn't risk putting them in danger. Especially being that I didn't fully understand the danger that I was in myself.

I also had no idea what the mysterious man looked like aside from his eyes and his tattoos, which were enough to know he was no one to fuck with. When I was 13, he made a promise to come back for me, and even at that young age I knew he meant it.

"Earth to Madison!" Aria snapped her fingers in front of my face, trying to gain my attention.

"My bad, what?" I asked, shaking the thoughts out of my head for now.

"Girl, are you alright?" Aria said concerned, " you been out of it since 3rd period today at school, what's going on?"

As much as I wanted to share with my best friend everything that was going on and who I really was I knew I couldn't.

"Nothing, just wondering why my aunt kicked me out so abruptly" I replied, which wasn't technically the truth, but it wasn't necessarily a lie either. I really was confused about her actions this morning, that whole interaction was left field.

"Fuck Sharon the Bald-headed Wench of the South and let's worry about what you gonna wear. Now, do you like it or not because I just might put this on" Aria turned around and held the outfit up to her body.

"Go ahead and wear it" I chuckled, getting up from my spot on her bed and making my way over to her walk-in closet.

There were clothes and shoes everywhere.

Skirts, pants, dresses, rompers, sneakers, and heels had been sprawled over the floor. I had to carefully step over the various items to make sure I didn't break my neck.

I'd hate to have to sue my best friend.

"Has Dinero tried reaching out to you yet?" Aria asked, dropping the damp towel she had wrapped around her.

"Not that I know of. I have his ass blocked on everything" I said while rummaging through the clothes hangers, settling on a pair of distressed denim shorts. "Why? Did he ask you to talk to me?"

"No but he had one of his little friends corner me after school asking about you" She replied "Talkin' about 'tell yo friend to stop ghostin' my dawg', I told his ass to get the hell out of my face"

"What?!" I said, storming out of the closet angrily.

I. Was. Pissed.

Who the fuck did he think he was? He had the audacity to have his boys corner my friends. He was the one that cheated on me and dogged me out and had the nerve to try and intimidate me into talking to him by threatening my friends? His narcissism was unbearable, and it was about time I gave him a piece of my mind.

"I'm going to cuss his ass out when I see him"

I pulled on the denim shorts, not caring that the wind tickled the bottom of my butt cheeks or that the rips in the front almost revealed my lady parts.

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