"Did you discover something new?" I asked him, hoping that he did.

"Like what?" 

"Like why they placed you in grandma's house instead of ours?"

"I don't know but they said they left some clues in her house" he commented.


"That's what they said" he answered me.

So this means that there are other notes in my grandma's house apart from the one that I found, which was in my back pocket of my jeans, I took it out and read it again. Lost in my thoughts of how the sticky notes and the handwriting where pretty recognizable, meaning that I saw them before, the front door of our house was slammed, probably someone came in. 

"Whose there?" I yelled.

"It's me Samantha!" Robert's voice was heard.

"Jake go and hide behind the bed and stay there until I come back" I ordered him but in a low voice. He nodded and leaned on the floor behind my bed.

I left the room and as I was walking down the stairs Robert yelled again "Sam I need to talk to you urgently!"

"I'm coming!" I yelled again and ran down the stairs, I was curious about what he was going to tell me. Was he going to tell me about Jake, how they stole him? Or was he going to tell me that he discovered that he is not my brother?

I walked towards the kitchen, where he was leaning on the counter waiting impatiently for me.

"What do you need?"

"Nothing. I just want to tell you the truth" he confessed.

"About what?" I asked him suspiciously.

 "About your family..." he said in a low voice.

"What is it?" I asked him. So this was the time where he was going to tell me that he is not my brother and it was all just a lie?

 "I... I... know ..." he began to say but then stopped.

"What do you know Robert?" I asked him angrily.

"Where your parents are!" he said loudly.

"Where?" I asked him but he didn't answer me.

"I asked you where are my parents! Answer me!" I yelled at him.

 "Parents? Meaning daddy and mummy?" Jake asked slowly.

"Jake" Robert whispered in a very low voice.

I looked at him suspiciously and I walked near Jake and grabbed his hand, I couldn't lose him as well. 

"Where are my parents?" I asked him in a rude voice.

"Isn't Jake supposed to-"  

"To be tied up in my grandma's house?" I asked him and in response he nodded "I don't know why don't you ask your gang about that" I told him angrily.

"Samantha, I promised you that I will never hurt you" he stated and approached us.

"Get out of here Robert and give me the keys of this house!" I ordered him.

"I can't lose everything now" he said sadly.

"And I can't lose more people" I told him. 

"Here" he said handing me the keys "Give me my car key" he commanded me and I got them out of my pocket but as I did the sticky note fell out of my pocket and it landed on the floor, precisely in front of Robert's legs.

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