Dimitri Doesn't Like My Family

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                It felt weird to be in school after my week and a half off. I was feeling good and stronger than ever. My newly mutated body suited me well. I haven’t felt so strong and healthy since before I had that first dream of Will when I was just a child. I could smell everything too, like the vanilla lemony scent that Dimitri had on him.

                “I thought you died.” Dimitri tells me with a sad look. I frown slightly. I wondered what everyone at my last school thinks what happened to me.

                “Just really sick, but I feel better than ever.” I say and I smile at him. Dimitri presented our project in Bio and I felt bad that I didn’t even do any work, but he said it wasn’t a problem.

                “You look great. I asked Adrik and he just said that you were sick.” I nod. That was my little lie. The lie that everyone made up to cover my week long absence.

                Adrik wasn’t exactly talking to me as much as he usually does. He was keeping his distance and I knew exactly why. Will had some crazy idea that Adrik likes me and he wants to “mate” with me. The thought actually disgusted me. Anyway, Will threatened him and Adrik sure did back off. The entire pack was more aware of our situation now that I was werewolf. I was a werewolf and we were mates, which means that the pack shouldn’t mess with us or try to steal me away.

                “Thanks. Anyway, you should come over. We do have that English project to do and that test to study for.” I say. Sokolav didn’t see a problem if a human came over, but only if it was necessary. My English teacher was piling on work for everyone. I think this was necessary.

                “You mean like where you all live? Adrik and everyone?” He sounds shocked. I smile and nod. Dimitri’s expression was mixed with pure terror and a hint of excitement.

                “Yeah, though I will warn you that Owen and Sokolav are kind of crazy.” I say. Dimitri gives me a questioning look.

                “Oh Owen is Will’s—I mean my dad. Sokolav is my grandfather.” Thank God I caught myself.

                “Who is Will?” He asks as we are nearing towards the end of the hall. I completely ignore the question.

                “Anyway, can you come over tonight?” I ask him. Dimitri thinks and he looks cute when his nose is scrunched up. If he wasn’t so anti-social then maybe he could get himself a girlfriend.

                “Yeah, sure.” He tells me. I grin at him, but I am still really nervous. Everyone is going to look at him like he is a piece of meat.

                “Okay great. Meet me at my locker after last class.” He nods and I head into the locker room to change for gym.

                We had to run laps today. I was jogging and keeping up with Felix with ease. My werewolf endurance was kicking in. I wasn’t even breaking a sweat as we ran. I usually hated running and just working out in general.

                “You like your newly found strength and endurance?” I smile and nod. Felix throws his head back and chuckles all while running. He was pretty good at multitasking.

                “The new body you have is even better in the love department.” Felix says. I go red in the face and he shoulders my playfully. Felix was a good-looking guy and I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a lot of girls.

                “That is good to know—I guess.” He laughs again and the rest of the time we run in silence. All the talking made my mouth dry.

The Boy From the Basement; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now