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            I wake up sometime later in my room. Its pitch black but I recognize the feel of my comforter. I can hear loud music from downstairs. I wonder how I even got in here but it was probably Will who did it. I look at my clock and find that it is eleven at night—it should be dead silence in this house.

            I fix my shirt and then head downstairs where the music just gets louder. Soon I see people—from my school and others I don’t even recognize. Nick! He must have let this all happen. I stomp around the house looking for him. The basement door is slightly ajar and I shut and lock it. Where was Will? Maybe he went back downstairs. I had to find Nick first. He needed to get all these people out now.

            “Best party ever WOO!” I shriek when a guy practically screams in my ear. I grab his wrist and push him away. The guy is so drunk that he crashes to the ground. I roll my eyes and continue on my search. I finally find Nick who is in my father’s office. He is sucking face with some girl I don’t know. I pull his shoulder and the two break apart. He looks drowsy and distant—he reeks of alcohol. The girl however looks even worse. Bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils.

            “What are all these people doing here?” I ask Nick. He and the girl laugh and I groan. I don’t need this! I know that if Bishop finds out—I am screwed because then my parents will find out.

            I pull the girl off Nick and take her outside. She falls into a nearby wall and laughs it off. I shut the door and look at Nick. He doesn’t seem to be really focusing much—he is so drunk. I sigh and put my hands on my hips.

            “This isn’t your house Nick! You can’t just throw a party!” I yell at him but he doesn’t seem to care. He just sits there with a blank look on his face. It’s no use so I leave the office and find the source of the music. I turn the stereo off and everyone gives me the death stare.

            “This party is over! The cops are on there way!” I yell and they start shuffling out of my house. Slowly but surely they leave. When everyone is gone, I am left with a huge mess. I start cleaning up. I pick up cups and other unwanted things.

             It took me the rest of the night to clean. I shoved the garbage into multiple garbage bags and then went back into the study where I found Nick passed out on the ground. I roll my hands but then smile because I have an idea.

            I take Nick’s hands and drag him out of the room. He is completely dead weight and it takes me nearly ten minutes until I actually get to the door. I open the front door and then drag him outside off the porch and into the gravel. If he wants to act like an animal then he shall live like one. I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants and then went inside. We still had school tomorrow and I knew I wouldn’t be getting much sleep. I also knew that Nick would have a hard time getting up in the morning but it’s what he deserved.

            Thursday went by very slowly. I woke up to Nick screaming at me. He said that he remembered me interrupting his little kissing time. As I was getting ready, I made sure to get ready extra loud. Nick hated me for it. I didn’t even get what ailed him to get drunk on a  school night anyways. I was thankful that Nick didn’t speak to me and walked with me.

            When I got home—I tried to shove Bishop out because I wanted to talk to Will. I liked his company even though he confused me to no end, but Bishop was having none of it. He watched me as I did my homework in the kitchen and then he took me to the backyard where he had set up all these targets. I practice for such a long time. Every time I finished—Bishop had another set for me to shoot.

            “Why am I doing this? I’m tired.” I say sitting down on the wooden bench next to Bishop. He blew smoke out of his mouth from the cigarette and looked at me.

The Boy From the Basement; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now