This is a Stealth Mission

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            I wake up crying hysterically and my body has never hurt this much. I thought it was bad when I dreamt of Nick or when Yuri clawed me, but no, this was entirely worse than that. Nick was hurt—really hurt. Something had to have happened after the Dragur left. I didn’t understand what was happening to me.

            “Estelle?” I ignore Will’s concerned voice and push the covers aside. I limp over to the bathroom and turn on the light. Something was seriously wrong with my side and my arms and even my face. I examine my face. A little bruise is right under my left eye and a bigger, darker one on my jaw line. I look at my arms and see many bruises on both. I take off my shirt and fling it to the floor.

            At the sight I crumble to the floor. A bruise that is the size of my head lies on the bottom of my ribcage all the way to my hip bone. It is bluish-purple with an outside layer color of beat red. How did this happen to me? I wipe my eyes and slowly try to get up but I can’t.

            “Oh my God. Estelle.” Will leans down and looks in my eyes. The expression on his face is pure horror. He picks me up gently and I whimper. He sets me up on the counter and starts a warm bath filled with bubbles. I am momentarily flushed but Will has seen me naked before.

            Once the tub is full, Will helps me take my clothes off and get in the tub. I sink in with a cry and Will gently brushes the tears away from my face. He leaves briefly to wake Ronnie to get help and comes back to my side. My hand clutches his.

            “I had a dream about Nick.” I say to Will. He kisses my hand and looks around the bathroom briefly.

            “How—did you get those bruises?” Will asks. I didn’t even know how I got them. Something had to have happened to Nick, but that still didn’t explain the bruises. When Will was beat in my dreams, my body was sore, but I never had bruises.

            “I’m not sure yet. I-I need to talk to Anka.” I say. If anyone knew anything, it would be Anka. She had experience with my power and she knew all about it.

            “Anka?” He asks. I groan. I was beginning to become frustrated.

            “Dammit Will! Just get her!” He looks confused and scared by my sudden outburst. I lay my head back and try to ignore the horrendous pain in my ribs.

            “Okay, okay. We’re here.” I look up and see Anne, Ronnie, Owen, Dr. John, and Loraine of all people walk in. I sink farther into the water. I was not letting any of these people see me naked! They all file in and Will stops them from coming any closer. He was acting very, protective and territorial.

            “Will, she needs help. Stand down.” Owen was speaking. After a long tense moment, Will finally moves aside. He starts exiting the bathroom. I close my eyes.

            “Someone call my grandfather, tell him to get Anka.” I yell at nobody in general. They probably all think I am going crazy.

            “I’ll do it.” Ronnie says into my ear. I nod and she leaves the bathroom as well. Anne rushes over to me—she runs her hands over my face and arms. She feels my stomach and I cry out in pain. She looks at Owen and John.

            “Let her get dressed first.” Owen and Dr. John leave. Loraine and Anne help me into my clothes and I sit on the vanity chair. Owen and Dr. John come back in.

            I tell Owen my dream and the rest following after waking up all while Dr. John examines me. Owen curses. He would probably be even more angry if I told him I spoke with Nick. I can tell that Owen has respect for Nick, because he was protecting me and both packs by lying to my father, but he would not like the idea of me talking to him.

The Boy From the Basement; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now