Alone At Last

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            The next morning—Nick is waiting for me downstairs. I skip breakfast out of habit and we get in the car to go to school. I feel like it should be the weekend but it is only Wednesday.

            “Don’t you usually have games on Friday nights?” I ask suddenly. Wasn’t the famous saying “Friday night football”? Nick nodded.

            “These are playoffs so we have games twice a week. This one is a home game.” He says as if that would make me want to actually go to the game. If he was going to be gone tonight and Bishop would be gone, then I would be downstairs. I wanted—needed to talk to Will. We get to school and Nick walks with me which just annoys me. He knows that I don’t like it.

            “About last night—I’m sorry.” Nick says turning to me. I stop and now we are standing in the middle of the hallway.

            “Whatever. You are allowed to have your own opinions.” I say and Nick smiles his perfect smile that shows his perfect teeth. He opens his mouth and I think he is about to say something but he doesn’t—because he was interrupted.

            “Hey Nick.” My ears seem to ring from Amanda Stiles’ loud obnoxious voice. I walked away from the two of them and Nick reached for me but I dodge his touch and went to class.

            At lunch time Phoebe joins me at the table I usually sit alone at everyday. She smiles at me and sets her tray down. I wink one eye and take a bite out of my bread.

            “So—what are you doing this weekend?” Phoebe asks me. I was planning to go to the basement as much as I could but it wouldn’t hurt to hang out with Phoebe. She was nice enough and she was my—friend.

            “Nothing I guess. Why?” I ask and she grins widely. She pulls out this flyer. The paper is white and all crinkled up. I flatten it and look at it.

            “It’s a festival—celebrating the whole history of the lycans thing. It’s just a three or so hour drive into Washington.” I nod and look at her.

            “Like werewolves?” I ask and she nods excitedly. Perhaps this is an opportunity to learn more about werewolves. The history—I don’t know if I will find truth but I am sure going to try.

            “Okay—but it isn’t going to be all Twilight, is it?” I joked and we both laughed. She shook her head.

            “No—don’t worry. It’s pretty fun though. I went a couple years ago. I mean there are a lot of locals—not many tourist but it is fun.” I smiled and nodded. I would not mind going to the festival with Phoebe.

            “Sure, I’d love to go.” I said with a smile. I handed the flyer back to her and she stuffed it in her backpack. I finished my sandwich and she finished all of the cafeteria food. Today it was some type of soup and it looks like sewage water. I’ll stick to the pre-made sandwiches that the school supplies.

            I get home from school and I can’t wait until Friday. We were going to leave Friday afternoon and leave the festival late and if we had to, then we would stay until the next morning. In the house I see that Bishop is sitting in my living room watching football—a rerun.

            “Hey Bishop.” I say to him. He grunts in response and I figure that now is the best time to tell him about Friday.

            “So—on Friday…I am going to go to Washington. There is a festival down there. Phoebe invited me.” I say waiting for some sort of response.

The Boy From the Basement; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now