1x8 - The Welcoming Comity!

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"Braixen, Come on out!" Serena said releasing hers.

"Um-breon." "Braxien!"

Ready, Set.

Sophcoles announced,
and the two trainers and pokemon went after the balloons. Serena and Gary tried their hardest to pop balloons with their hands, only able to pop a few that way. The pokemon on the other hand were making progress. Umbreon was able to use it's strong jaw to pop balloons quickly, while Braixen was able to use its branch to pop balloons quickly as well. Sticks are sharp that's a fact. With their friends cheering behind them, the two popped balloon after balloon. Eventually with a few left, Serena was out of Balloons.

"Yes!" She said in excitment.

"Serena wins the first trial!" Sophocles announced.

"Good job Braixen!" "Brai!" "Better luck in the next one." Serena said offering a hand to Gary.

"Same to you." He said shaking it.

"Okay, my turn." Lana said, motioning for them to follow her.

"This will be a race of Pokemon! Whichever Pokemon can swim faster to the end of the water wins." Lana explained.

"Waters not really your thing Braixen, so Pancham, this is all you!" She said releasing the small panda.
"Pan-cham cham!"
"Blastoise, this will be easy for you." Gary said releasing his starter from long ago.

Pancham would lie if the huge tortoise didn't frighten it, but it wouldn't let it know that.

Get ready.

Lana cheered as the two Pokemon jumped into the small river bed. While Pancham made a small splash and started to swim, Blastoise had created a small trial wave when it hit the water, sending the panda into the air for a moment before falling back into the water. Pancham was swimming as fast as it could with cheers of many, including Serena and Braixen. Just when it thought it was ahead, Blastoise passed underneath. Pancham couldn't keep up with a water type no matter how hard it tried.

"Blastoise wins!" Lana announced as Pancham arrived at the finish.

"Good job Pancham, You did well for having a disadvantage." Serena said to her partner.
"Cham cham."

"Well, I won this one. Next is Winner take all!" Gary said to his friend.

"Don't think I'm going to let you win." Serena said confidently.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Gary replied.

"Time for the last trial." Kiawe said to the two.

"Right!" They both responded.

"This will be a race of not pokemon, but trainers. Both of you will ride Tauros around the track once, whoever crosses the finish line first wins!" Kukui explained.

"Tauros race? I've worked with them all the time back in Kanto. Quite a few different ones in fact." Gary said giving a glace to Ash.

"Where did you find that many Tauros to research?" Lillie asked in wonder.

"Well thanks to a certain Ashy-Boy," He said motioning towards Ash. "My Gramps lab is full of the things. Seriously, Ash. Thirty of them? Where there a sale in Pokeballs?" Gary said to Ash directly.

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