~°•Satan's Waterfall Has Arrived•°~

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I just randomly got this idea and started writing immediately, I love it and I hope to write more soon.
If the book changes a bit or such, dont worry about it to much, I'm just trying to make it look a bit more professional and all.

I love you all, stay amazing.



I woke up to Louis arms being wrapped around my waist, his head in my hair and hot breath fanning down my neck but also the wonderful, experience of feeling uncomfortable, sick and ever so slightly murderous. So I ultimately coaxed myself out of Louis's arms and waddled off to the bathroom, only to be greeted by the lovely hail of blood awaiting me.

Well, looks like these clothes are ruined, thanks body.

I sighed and finished in the bathroom, washing my hands and returning to my room to collect something that I do so hope I brought.

So I rummaged through my stuff, rifling through all sorts of clothes, items and even a spoon, a fucking spoon? I thought for a second. Damn-it Niall.

I rolled my eyes and continued to search, but, to mo avail.

"Fuck." I cursed, a little to loud for 6:30 am. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see if I had woken Louis up but he was curled up in the blanket, cuddling the pillow and breathing slowly. I envied him in this moment.

I was about to get some clothes and shower to freshen up, but when I got the clothes I heard someone else say, "Fuck what?" and I started crying.

I hate this. Just then Harry appeared in the door way of our room, catching me standing there in all of my teary eyed glory. "Ashley? What happened?" Harry asked me as he welcomed himself in and wrapped me in a soulful hug. "It's stupid." I mumbled into his warm chest. "It doesn't matter how stupid it is, why are you upset?" his voice spoke in my ear.

"I'm bleeding," I whispered solemnly. "Wait what? Where? What happened?"

Harry was almost in a blind panic. "No, Harry, I'm on my period!" I almost yelled, angry but still in tears. "Oh." was all he returned with, his voice small. "That's fine, come I'll make you some tea, do you want tea?" I pondered his offer, "What kind of tea?" I asked him, now sounding like a needy child after a tantrum. "Any kind of tea." Harry assured me, leading me from the room, presumably so I didn't wake up everyone with my hormonal yelling.

Four choices of tea, two visits from Paul and couple other visits to the bathroom later, Harry and I were seated on the balchoney, drinking hot chocolate and talking. "I'm sorry." I apologized to Harry, sipping my hot chocolate. "I've told you already Ash, don't worry, I get it." he reassured me again. I nodded and we just enjoyed the view and each others company.

"Why are you on the balchoney?" Liam asked us as he popped out of seemingly nowhere, his sudden appearance irked me. "Because we can be." I replied flatly. Liam's eyes widened slightly and his lips slid together in a line. "Ashley, are you alright?" he directed at me in concern, and I did my best to ignore Harry's little gestures for him to shut it. "I'm perfectly fine thank you." I snapped back.

"Yeah, perfectly annoyed, what's up?" another voice chided in, being the one and only Louis, stuck in boxers and a tried fog. "Don't you start with me Louis William Tomlinson." that threat seemed to knock him right out of his sleep filled state, "Dude," he whispered to Liam, "Who hit the bee hive?"

I glared daggers into Louis's bare chest, silently wishing Niall would come in and save the day. He has dealt with this before, the others, well, I just hid it.

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