~°•Truth With A Bit Of Fun•°~

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"How in the hell do you do that?" I ask in amazement as Niall eats his third helping at Nandos. All of us were full after one and a bit and he's just there and I'm like Oh my God. Niall shrugged and continued his meal.

I'm surprised we haven't gotten mobbed yet, considering we're out in the open like this.
Aside from that I'm still baffled about the interview. I've lived with them since I was 16 and they never asked to interview me. Ever.
I guess either they never knew or they just didn't care until I was old enough to date one of them. Media was always like this. No one is important unless they can help them start Drama in one way or another. Anyway. Moving aside.

"You never cease to amaze me Nialler." I praise, a smile on my face as I look at my good friend. He grinned proudly, as he usually does when food is involved. I smile back, only wider now because he's adorable and turn to the others.
"Tomorrow can we have a fun day?" I question randomly as the idea suddenly pops into my head. "Fun day like what?" Louis responded, looking up at me from his meal.
"Like you invite the girls and we all go bowling then have lunch, or something around those lines maybe?" I state looking at everyone.
"Yeah we could to that." Liam agreed, shrugging simply at the idea.
"Yay!" I exclaim, all cheesily like some dumb soap opera. They smile at my enthusiasm and continue a light conversation until Niallers happy with the outing.

They paid and we left the place.
That's when we got mobbed by fans. Though I guess 'mobbed' is the wrong word because that implies something bad. I love meeting new people and the boys always love meeting the fans.
I stood to one side as the boys happily obliged in signing items and taking photos.
Once all the girls were gone we went to the car. Its nice to see how sweet they are with their fans.

We entered the car and It was quite dark so I couldn't really see them but I knew where they were, it's funny I have some kind of friend detector. I know things.
"Is this an Ed Sheeran song?" I asked as I listened to the song playing on the radio. Louis was driving and Zayn was next to him so Zayn lent over and checked for me. "Eh, yeah. Its called." he paused for a second as he looked at the title for me. "Runaway." he finally said.
"Okay. Thanks."
"Sure love."

When we got home it was half past nine so I just got bored and started playing games on my phone, I was lying on my bed playing my shark game when I got really distracted. I heard.
What was that ...crying.
I locked my phone and dropped it on my bed. I left the room and wondered until I found the source.
It was from Louis room. Confusion took over my body and I followed it to his door. I entered as quietly as I could and was utterly distraught when I saw him sitting on the chair in the corner of his room. Crying. Cuddling a pillow from his bed. I instantly rushed over to him. 

"Lou?" I start, trying to level my emotions. "What happened?!" I was trying so hard not to cry myself. He looked up at me then back down. "It's nothing." He said still crying, his voice almost cracked. I have to grit my teeth to stop myself saying something I might regret. "Lou. I've know you for over four years now. I care about you so much. If something is stopping you from being the happy, funny, bubbly person you are then it matters!" I claimed, immensely concerned.

He looked up at me and met my eyes, those perfect sea coloured orbs were washed with sadness and confusion. Darkened by what has happened.
I instantly felt very protective. If someone hurt him I will find them.
"Eleanor." He explained softly, sitting up and wiping his eyes. I nod and sit next to him, still looking into his eyes. "She - she just broke up with me. She thi-thinks I cheated on her."
"Oh Lou." I hug him. Rubbing small circles on his back. "Why would she think that?" I ask quietly.
"I have no idea, I never would even consider cheating. Ever."
"I know Lou. I know."
"Whoa. Guys. " Harry stated walking past. I pulled away and then he saw Louis' puffy red eyes. "Louis?" he asked, his voice low.
"Don't make me say it again." He breathed sadly, tossing the pillow and cuddling his knees instead. I felt a little piece of my heart shatter.
I quickly pulled Harry to the side and told him what Louis told me. When I was done we both went over to comfort him. "She's not worth it Lou." He told him "I know you would never do that."

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