~°•Interviews And An Open Question•°~

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Hello everyone, this is my first Fanfiction and I hope you all enjoy it, this story does deal eith some heavy topics. If you don't like them I'm afraid this story isn't for you other then that, yeah.

Read on my lovelies ♡



Today was another useless day of boredom. Niall made it fun. Yes Nialler from One Direction. That boy is my life saver, in more ways then I'd like to admit. He is so sweet and amazing. I've been friends with him since I was 14. He was a year older so that was kinda hard when I did matric alone, but regardless my family's gone and Niall's parents took me in, mostly because they're amazing people and I was like a sibling to Niall.
Right now its a few weeks until tour and oh my god I am excited. I know the others pretty well but really, I have a crush on Louis. Although I'd never say anything to him or Niall.
I couldn't.
Plus he's dating Eleanor.
So... yeah.
Anyway enough about me.

I walked into the living room at the wrong fucking time.
"Why would she say that though?" Louis asked, his voice hushed.
What the hell is going on here? We're at home, just waiting around for an interview later today. Sitting before me was Niall and Louis, talking about, something...
"That's pretty harsh though." Niall said, his accent catching on a few of the word "What happened?" I ask curiously, walking over to them.
"It's nothing." Louis spoke immediately waving it away.
Somethings bothering him. I know it.
I always know.

"Okay." I shoot Niall a look that screams: 'Whats up'
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me then. Chow bitches."
As I left I saw the ghost of a smile on Louis face. It just gave me a warm feeling inside.
I hope it's nothing too serious.

One thing (ha ha. Song reference. Shut up I'm funny) that sucks is that Niall is a year older than me. (as I said earlier) So I'm nineteen and he's twenty and so are all his friends, apart from Louis of course who is twenty two and Harry who is my age. I personally don't have a problem with it at all, I just don't want to cause problems for the boys ya know. The media causes such shit for everyone out of nothing. It fucks me off sometimes.
I picked up an apple and sat at the little island in the kitchen, taking bite of it, slowly chewing it in thought.

"Hey." Harry greeted cheerfully. I turn to look at him. "Hey." I respond.
After Niall I'm closer to Harry and then it's Louis then the others. Honestly its creepy how well these guys know me. Of course I'm the same with them but anyway.
"What's up?" He questioned, his voice simmerimg down a tad. I signed quietly, "I'm worried about Lou." I say.
He came over and sat next to me, taking my apple, biting it and handing it back to me. "Why?" He asked after swallowing that piece of apple, the concern evident in his tone.
"I walked into the living room and he was talking to Niall and when I asked what was happening he said nothing." I tell him, "so obviously he didn't want to say but we're close so I thought he'd tell me and. Uhh. Its just not good." I lent over and hugged him.
The feels were real.
"It's Alright." He said reassuringly, wrapping his long arms around my body, "I'm sure he'll tell you when he wants to." I buried my face in his neck. "I hope you're right Haz."
He gently moved and put his fore finger and thumb on my chin to make me look at him.
"Hey," he started quietly, "The big bad world won't affect my lil sis yeah?" I looked deeply into his emerald green eyes and smiled lightly at the thought. I then nodded my confirmation. He ginned at me and I just continued to smile.
Why are these boys always so nice to me.
Do they actually see me like a sister or is it just an act for the media. Oh well. I'll find out one day.


"Guys the interview is in 30 minutes we need to leave!" Liam announced, his voice booming throughout the house. I had to smile to myself. Funnily enough I just finished getting dressed. I was wearing a white shirt with a grey hoodie, jeans and black boots. I went downstairs and saw the others standing around all ready, they were waiting for Louis.

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