•Reinhardt's Story•

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This was suggested by a number of people, so please enjoy Grandpa Reinhardt's story!

"Come here, (Name)!" Reinhardt called out, with his booming voice. You crawled over to your adoptive Opa, and sat down right in front of him. "Let me tell you an old fable from my country!" He grinned and grabbed a old looking book. It had "Grimm's Fairy-tails" on the cover. You giggled and clapped happily, ready to listen to your Opa.


"Once upon a time there was a little girl named (Name), and she wore a red hood, because her mutter, Mercy, made her. Today she was tasked with bringing her Oma, Ana, some food her mutter made her. (Name) got her little basket, and started out on her journey! She had to go through the Woods to get to her Oma's house, since that was the only path to it! Now, (Name) was a smart little girl, and knew that a very annoying and stupid wolf, named Genji, lived in the woods. She knew this because her mutter is often bothered by the wolf, since apparently he always needs healing."
Genji glared from across the room.
"That is a lie. I am not a wolf. That's Hanzo."
"Ah, right!" Reinhardt cleared his throat. "The wolf was not Genji, it was Hanzo, since he's all brooding like one. So anyway, back to the story!"
"(Name) knew that a very mean wolf named, Hanzo, lived in these wolves and would often attack people who wandered in to far. But she knew is she stuck to the path, she would be safe. (Name) continued down the path, but was stopped by none other than Hanzo! 'Give me the food...' he growled. He was scary, but (Name)'s awesome Opa taught her how to pin people! So that's what's she did! She pinned the evil wolf, and made it to her Oma Ana's house to give her the food. The end."


"I don't think zhat is how the story goes..." Mercy said a bit confused.
"Well I improvised." Reinhardt smirked happily. Genji was still laughing about Hanzo being the wolf, and Hanzo, who happened to walk in when the story was still being told, only pouted.
"I am not that mean of a wolf..."
"Yes you are, brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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