21- Take off the mask, then

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I swallowed hard. Heat was already building up behind my eyes but I blinked away tears when Sammie hopped back into the room with a still flat bag of popcorn.

"The stove isn't working, Jamie." She informed.

"I'll do it, Sam. Be back in a minute, guys." I sniffed, taking the popcorn bag to the kitchen with me.

I placed my hands on the foil bag, heating it up. The bag kept expanding as I concentrated more heat on it..

Looking out of the window, the only source of light was the star. I kept my gaze lingered on each small, flickering light. When the first corn seed popped, I flinched, my elbow slamming down on the kitchen table.

Popping sounds filled the cabin and fresh popcorn scent filled my nose after a few second.

At least the noise could hide my breathing that had become more rapid as first tear drop made its way down my cheek.

Quiet night does something to your brain.

You think more so you feel more.

After 10 hours of lying awake in my cabin, listening to the around of water rippling (And also over-thinking.), I came to the breakfast table wrapped in a blanket with Kat and Sammie dragging me.

I squinted at the yellow sunlight trying to blind me and lifted the hem of my blanket up, blocking it. 

Third grade science teachers said mild morning sunlight helped your body syntheses Vitamin D AKA the growing agent.

I'm a 5 feet 3 inches human being who hates sunlight.

"I smell waffles." Sammie said, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. 

"Wake up, Jamie." Kat poked at my side, probably trying to tickle me. "We went to bed at 10. That's quite early."

"You mean you let me go back to my cabin at 10 after a set of a very violent interrogation." I yawned. 

"We didn't have to interrogate you, actually." Sammie giggled. "Anyone could have guessed what's up. Your cheeks glowed like beacons."

"That didn't stop you guys from asking though." I muttered under my breath.

Fire super problem.

Blushing was just a 30 Watt light bulb kind of glow. They hadn't seen me really glow like that time in the backstage room. I'd resemble the sun. 

Cold dew drops condensed on the tip of grass leaves soaked my ankles and the hem of my pajama pants. Mud accumulated in my flip-flop, making it felt even more slippery. We sat down at the breakfast table. Actually, they sat and I collapsed, almost letting my head droop into a marmalade filled bowl. Sammie and Kat went to fill up their plate while I contemplated just sitting here and stared at the salt and paper shakers for while. 

A cold glass was pressed to my cheek. I meant I implied it was cold because I could hear ice cubes clanking inside the glass. It didn't really feel that cold. "No reaction?" A husky voice asked, puzzled. "Weird. You usually jump 3 feet high and try to avenge me." 

I looked up at Les; the person responsible for my zombie makeover this morning. He had that signature smirk of his I had seen since the first time we met. (Cue the butterflies doing jumping jack in my stomach.) That's when the water in the glass resting on my cheek started to make sizzling noise. The ice melted completely. I pushed the glass away before it would boil and scorch someone.

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