Chapter 9: Weiss!?

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Weiss P.O.V

Ruby and I were getting ready for our biggest fight with the White Fang. I got my suitcase filled with dust, put the dust in Myrtenaster, then put the extras in my bag. When I got up to see what Ruby's equipment was, she had this huge, huge utility belt that had a dog sticker on it. Like what the hell?

"Ruby? What is that huge belt for?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"A belt! What's wrong with it?" She said with a pout


I started to laugh so hard, that I fell into Ruby's arms. So she hugged me tightly, then I stopped.

"Ok now we go!" Ruby yells and jumps out the window.




I jump out the window and follow Ruby because im not gonna be kicked out of beacon and im not gonna fall down any stairs like i did last time.

Blake P.O.V

I ran down the forest trail, and got my gun/sword out. I'm right in front of the white fang base!

"Shit..." I whispered.

There were two people guarding at the door, so i shot one of them. When i waited to shoot the text person, a huge fire bullet crashed and exploded onto him. I looked behind me and saw my love, Yang. So i got angry.

"Yang! What the hell are you doing here!?" I yelled.

"Not letting you die! I love you!" She yelled back and kissed me. I kissed back and hugged her, calming the blonde down.

"Well i guess we are in this together.."

Ruby P.O.V

"What the hell?!"I yelled.

"Whats the matter?" Weiss questioned while i stare at my scroll.

"Yang text me 'I just blew up some person from the white fang's head up and im fighting with Blake. HURRY YOUR CUTE ASS!'"

Weiss started to laugh at this text, then Weiss found something special. A White Rose.

"Ruby.. Look what I found..." Weiss said and tapped my shoulder.

"Wow... it's beautiful like you."

"Aww thanks Ruby.."

"We shall share the white rose!" I put the rose in Weiss' hair.

"A White Rose to Share huh?"


We were walking and talking for a while, and both realised something we did not notice. We were walking down the trail to the white fang base. It's really big and that's surprising.

"Well i guess we should enter now."

We enter the building and see Blake and Yang Fighting other White Fang members. Im not that focused on them because this building is really big- never mind..

"Ruby!" Yang calls me over


I start to run over, then I hear a big boom. Kind of like a gunshot... I turn around and I see something I never wanted to see.


Oh Shoot! That got dark quickly... idk what to say so.....BYE!!!!

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