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say the name, ^


For a moment, everything was quiet. Surreal, almost. The hospital room that Yoongi had called home for the past few weeks was playing its symphony of beeps and whirrs and it consumed Yoongi, just for a moment.

Just for a quiet moment, the sounds melted out into a warm hum. The sounds of people, the stressful sighs of hospital workers and worrisome shaky whispers of visitors sang out like the violins. The sharp squeak of sneakers against hospital linoleum and deep murmurs of voices drifted through the air like the notes drifted out from underneath the bow against violin strings.

Just for a quiet moment, the beeps and squeaks of various tools and machines were the woodwinds. Higher whistles of flutes and the more lowly hums of the oboes and clarinets. The pleasant notes and trills waltzed and foxtrotted above his head and around his blanket-covered toes as they sang their cheery song.

Just for a quiet moment, the mellow hums and whirrs of the machines were the cellos. Swaying and long and deep. Their haunting harmony perfectly accompanied the violin's jolty, unrhythmic tune.

And Yoongi? Well, he was the conductor. His beautiful symphony orchestra followed his every order, with a flick of his conductor's baton the melody swayed between feelings of the highest highs and the lowest lows. Tunes of tender romance and mighty, billowing anger. All coming from the sleek baton that rested between his flushed fingertips. His lack of vision allowed him to perfectly assume his role as conductor, his eyes couldn't rob him of his fantasy. Right now, he was in heaven.

And just for a quiet moment, everything was normal.


Just like that, Yoongi was violently ripped out of his wonderland. The once pleasant symphony flew back into reality, back into the irritating noises they usually were. Yoongi grunted in response.

"It's Seokjin. Seokjin? Jin? Do I need to say that, Namjoon? Can you hear that it's me?" Seokjin spewed out the words so fast Yoongi could just catch them.

"He's blind, not stupid." A nasal-sounding voice scoffed.

Seokjin snorted, "I'm trying to be considerate!"

"Please. Can we all just calm down." A shy but deep voice muttered.

"Hoseok? Taehyung?" Yoongi choked out in disbelief.

Hoseok grinned, unbeknownst to Yoongi. "We're all here! Everyone decided it would be nice to uh... visit!"

"No, you guys can't all be here." Yoongi shook his head, which in his injured state meant only figuratively doing it. "My doc- Dr Hwang is coming soon. You guys can't be here, go get food or something-"

"I am already here, Yoongi."

Yoongi's palms grew clammy, "What is this?"

"Yoongi, please just try and listen to all we have to say before you make any judgements," Namjoon said.

"Your friend is right." Dr Hwang calmly stated. "Yoongi, now you must understand that we- your friends and the medical staff here- only did this for your wellbeing."

Bile churned violently in his stomach, "What are you all talking about- Min-Ji? Where's Min-Ji?"

"I'm here." That familiar soft voice cooed, only this time it didn't stop his heart from racing.

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